13 Years Later : Mission Accomplished.

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Ashton's POV
I'm back, England!!! (Or is it Great Britain??) Whew, it's good to be back... Now to go to the Snape Household and save both of them. Don't worry little brother, I've got your back just wait for me.

Severus' POV
I grew up knowing I have an older brother, older by 10 years... The thing that I'm confused about is... Why was he sent away? Did something happened, or did it happened because of magic...? Either way, I hope I can meet him. I've longed for someone to care, and I want to know what he is like.

Third Person POV
Ashton arrives at Snape Household with two police cars trailing his car. He had gone to a nearby police station to report abuse on Tobias Snape, his so-called father.

They arrived at the household just in time to hear the man screaming to his younger son about being magical. Not that the officers believed him of course, to them, he's being delusional.

Well, except for one officer, who is not so subtle about it. He must be an Auror from the wizarding world, and for that, Ashton is grateful.

The officers barged into the door and arrest Tobias Snape for spousal and child abuse, along with neglect towards his family.

After Ashton finished talking with the officers about how he is the firstborn and got sent away 15 years ago, he went to the medics that wanted to see him.

They said that his mother is mentally unstable and will be put in a mental institution for a while to recover.

Ashton, being someone that always ready for everything, just said he will take full custody of his brother as he is an adult, he's 23 for Merlin's sake! And that he will pay for the recovery, the medics then told him that he doesn't have to pay.

As the recovery is only to get her from her lovesick and ruined morals.

He agreed because he could see that the medics are right about his mother.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his mother, but the woman rarely helped when her children got hurt.

So he let them handle everything and will greet his little brother after everything settled.

30 Minutes Later...
After gathering enough evidence and done many questions on both his mother and little brother, the medics and the police officers finally finished and left both of them alone.

"Hello, little brother, my name is Ashton Tobias Snape now Prince,

As I took the inheritance test and met Grandfather Augustus Prince to take the place as the heir of Prince during my fifth year.

I am currently 23 years old. My birthday is on 29th March 1950.

Also, I am a wizard, just like you so you don't have to worry about your secret.

What's your name? Mother never mentioned name suggestions in the letter she last sent me 14 years ago."

"My name is Severus Austerus Snape, I'm currently 13 years old and I am schooling at Hogwarts. My birthday is on 9th January 1960"

"Which house are you in?"

Ashton asked, suddenly interested in the fact that his little brother is schooling at Hogwarts, he only went to Hogwarts as an exchange student for a year.

Then, he left everything at Hogwarts behind and gone back to his old school.

It happened during his fifth year, so it is not surprising he knew of Hogwarts.

His brother looked at him with scared filled eyes and he said,

"Slytherin, I am in Slytherin."

Now that's something you don't expect, Ashton understood why his brother looked scared.

Slytherin had been hated for so long, that the younger students have to survive bullying and harassment.

Well, his brother doesn't have to worry about anything because,

"I used to be a Slytherin too, even though it's only for a year."

"Really?! That's so cool! How was it during  your time?"

Severus asked fascinated that his older brother had been a Slytherin as well during his teenage years.

Ashton chuckled at his brother's eagerness and said,

"Well, I'll tell you after I finish getting everything ready and clean for us to use and after I get the bills paid, after all... We need a better and colorful environment for our eyes, don't you think so Severus?"

"Yeah, I'd like that... Thanks, big brother. Also, welcome home."

"Your quite welcome, brother. It's good to be home."

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