First Day Together After 13 Years Part 2

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"Wait, What?!" Severus and Lily exclaimed in unison.

"Why?" Ashton asked in pure confusion.

"Why pureblood families?" Lily asked her bestie's brother.

"Well, for one, they are supposed to be examples for muggle-borns and half-bloods," Ashton explained briefly

Ashton decided that since today was supposed to be the day that both he and his brother have a sibling bonding time, he'll just explain everything and get to some more tensing subject.

After 30 minutes of Breakfast and mini revision of the wizarding world.

"Okay, so... Any questions?" Ashton asked the teenagers while swiftly raise his wand to clean the dishes.

"I have one, you said that there's a huge possibility that muggle-borns are born from a long line of squibs that had possibly changed their wizarding last name to muggle term.

Is it really a possibility or actually a reality? I want to know more about my heritage and I mean, I am adopted... I'm a redhead while my older sister along with my parents are blondes." The sentence

'It just shows that I'm not related to them in any way possible.'

 Has never been said but it strikes enough concern to Ashton, making him feel bad for the girl that had been by his brother's side for so long.

"That is actually something I am not so sure about, despite having found out that most muggle-borns ended up being related to a wizarding family from the wizarding community," Ashton answered theoretically

But despite what he said, he knew that muggle-borns are the actual descendants of the squibs that had been born before them. He just wants them to realize that they should just stay as themselves despite what has been happening around them. They don't need to change for the sake of others. Heck, they don't know how the wizarding community in this country works, at all. Ashton's going to change that, that's for sure.

"Okay, so today I wanted to do some bonding with Severus, seeing as we hadn't known about each other despite knowing about the other. As of this, we will continue this conversation tomorrow, is that okay with you Lily?" Ashton asked as he walks around them duo and returns to his seat

"It's alright Ash, if I were in your spot, I would have wanted to spend some time with my family. So, we can continue tomorrow." Lily said as she gets up to leave 

"Be careful, Lils," Severus called out by the time she left the door.

"I will, don't worry Sev," Lily calls back as she continues her way.

"So, what do you want to do first, lil' brother?" Ashton asked his confused brother.

"Hmm... How about the mall in town?" Severus suggested to his brother

"Good idea, Severus. We can also go to Diagon Alley to get some early supplies so that you won't have to get it last minute." Ashton agrees while suggesting another activity that they can do together.

~I don't have any ideas on what they should do, so time skip to Diagon Alley.~

"So, Severus... Why don't we go to Honeydukes next?" Ashton suggests

Severus lits up at the mention of his favorite sweets shop. He nods eagerly and follows his older brother. Suddenly, they heard a crash from a nearby cafe. They went to check on the customers and Severus saw a sleek, black-haired boy getting checked up by some wizards. He saw his older brother looking up at one of the wizards attending to the boy with a fond look in his eyes. Severus looks back at the boy and noticed that the boy was...SOMEONE...He knew...Then, it clicked...

"Black..?" Severus asks hesitantly

"Hello, Snape brothers," The boy answers "Pleasure to finally meet my older cousin's best friend, Ashton Snape. The names Sirius, Sirius Black... And I had just gotten myself blind."

~Author's Note~

~Welp, that's it for today... I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but I just don't have that much idea right now, blame the school for that one as well. Also, sorry for the short chapter. And fyi I made Sirius blind on purpose because I wanted to do some Marauder's Angst and Drama. The cousin will be someone from my oneshot book. And, Sirius will have some redemption arc after this 'cause in the original lore, he didn't have a redemption arc, nor did he forgive/apologize to Severus. For the next chapter, it will either be fluff or just plain angst with a new mystery. I'm not sure about it yet. Well anyway, see you all in the next chapter! Maddy2903 out!~

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