chapter six: trust

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—Willow's pov—

History class had already started when I joined, normally Liam sits to the left of me but he wasn't in class today. Instead, I had the pleasure of this crazy teenage girl who looked like she needed serious help. Mr Yukimura had given me everything I needed to catch up, which included a couple of textbooks and a mysterious book that had no title. Theo had also messaged me a couple of times asking if I got to class alright, those I ignored to get on his nerves.

Sound of wood being scratched filled the room, for a second I thought I'd drop on the floor like I did yesterday, however looking around the classroom I noticed the sound coming from the girl beside me. She had claws.. claws.

I'm used to the supernatural, but it still scares the living crap out of me whenever I see it personally.

All of a sudden, the fire bell rang, everyone got up out of their seats and filtered out towards the exit. Obviously, the pack were the only ones who didn't get the sense of urgency and ran into the room. This made me put the clues together and guess Tracy was the murderer that was running around last night.

"Tracy? We need to go." A brunette names Hayden was now speaking to the crazy-looking girl. "Are you okay?"

"Hayden, move away from her," I calmly state trying not to raise suspicion. She complies, beginning to move away from the girl. A hand wraps around Hayden's slim wrist, so tight thick, red liquid starts dripping down her forearm.

"Tracy, you need to let go of her." Scott was now joining in the conversation, taking cautious little steps towards the three of us.

I look around for a plan of action if everything goes south, nothing catching my eye except the pile of books on my desk. "Tracy, let her go." My words come out a lot more confident than I was feeling.

"They're coming.." she pauses, "they're coming for all of us." Her grip only getting tighter, grunts of pain escaping Hayden's lips.

My hands found their way around two thick books, bracing for what I was about to do. I bring the books up, staring right down at Tracy, and bring the heavy weight towards the back of her head. I didn't hit her that hard, I knew how hard I would have hit her to kill her, and in my defence she was going to hurt Hayden. But when she started bleeding silver-substance, I thought I may have just killed a woman.

"Oh no, no no no. Please don't die." The words come out as I drop the books, kneeling to the limp body on the floor. She was still breathing at least.

Scott quickly picks her up bridal style and rushes her out of the school, probably to Deaton's, Stiles and Malia following him.

"Hayden, are you okay?"

Instead of answering my question, she storms out into the hallway, leaving me and my quivering hands alone. My knees buckle, sending me tumbling to the floor right next to the pool of blood and metal. Flashes of Allison's body flood to the scene, except this time, the sword used to kill her was positioned inside my right hand. This wasn't like any of my dreams, my dreams looked hopeful, this was more like a nightmare that was happening while I was awake.

Oblivious to the footsteps hurrying towards me, I fold myself so I was hugging my knees, slowly rocking back and forth, trying to calm the visions.

"Willow, hey, hey, I got you." Theo must have came from Biology, he wrapped one arm round me and pulled me towards his torso. His signature vanilla scent filled my lungs. "I got you," his voice turns to a whisper.

Tears swell inside my eye, refusing to let them go. "I'm fine," my voice shivers.

"Look at me," he uses his free hand to grab my chin and tilt my head upwards so our eyes met, "what was it?"

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