chapter twelve: m'lady

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I woke up in Stiles' room again, i'd rather stay here than go back home. The message still unopened.

School was the last of my worries. Scott had messaged me early morning that we need to read the dread doctors book tonight, which wouldn't be a problem if Theo hadn't planned a date at the same time. I would rather go with Theo, he brings me out of the supernatural world every once in a while.

Stiles had already left, he said he was picking Lydia up, so that left me staring at the pale ceiling alone.

I drag my phone out from my pocket and call Theo, putting my phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.

"Hello?" He sounded like he had recently woke up, a rasp coming from the back of his throat.

"Can you pick me up?" I rub my eyes, continuing to stare at the ceiling, "I'm at Stiles' house."

He chuckles, sending a warm feeling through my body, "and where is said house?"

"I'll send you his address hold on," I type the address in a message and press send, "and don't tell him you know where he lives."

We stayed on the call until Theo's truck beeped from outside. He sat in the drivers seat, one arm rested against the wheel, a smile tugged at his lips when he saw me.

"You're still in pyjamas."

I look down at my clothes, funnily enough he was right. Matching tops and bottoms, mainly white with unicorns scattered around them.

I clench my eyes shut in embarrassment, of course I had to wear the same pjs I had since i was 7.

"Fantastic," I mutter to myself, if Theo had normal hearing he wouldn't have heard it.

"They're cute, don't worry about it."

I answer him with a middle finger and storm back inside, the door hanging wide open behind me. Another lighthearted chuckle sounded from outside.

I threw on some of Stiles' clothes; a hoodie and some sweats, and rushed back outside. Theo's head now rested on the steering wheel, he looked peaceful.

"Get up, I'm driving," I open his door with a smile, a sweet vanilla scent exiting the vehicle.

"It's only a few minutes to the school, it'll be stupid for us to swap," his eyes raised to mine, his eyebrows following.

"I should've told you," I lean my weight against the truck, "we're not going to school."

I motioned my hands away from the truck, his legs swung over and he jumped out of the vehicle. Our shoulders nudge together as he steps away, holding a hand out, waiting for mine to connect.

"M'lady," his skin warmed mine as soon as they collided, he had a slight flush set on his cheeks. "You really shouldn't be skipping school."

"I have a gpa of 4.7, I can miss a few classes," I plop down in the drivers seat and start the engine, a soft rumble coming from below.

"A gpa of 4.7 and you still can't do basic maths?" He sat beside me, throwing a blanket in the back.

"I can do basic maths," the road ahead was calm, only a few other cars accompanied us, "just not very well."

Comfortable silence filled the truck, only the hum of the engine coexisted with our thoughts. My hands gripped the wheel tightly, making left and right turns.

"So," Theo tapped the dashboard gently, "where we going?"

I pondered, I didn't really have a plan, "how about bowling?"

"I've never been bowling so I kinda suck," I glance over towards him as he stared at the road, a sense of escapism set in his face.

"Well lucky for you, I've only been once," I smile, focusing back to the road, "we can suck together."

"That was an interesting sentence," he chuckled as he spoke causing a slight smile to plaster onto my face. I slap my hand across his shoulder as the truck pulls in to the parking lot.

Despite the roads, the bowling alley seemed to be pretty full due to the cars parking beside it. The doors clicked shut after both of us jumped out, nudging each other on our way into the building.

"What size shoes do you guys need?" The receptionist had burning red hair that flowed down to her stomach. Her face was sweet, trustworthy.

We both told her what shoes we needed and sat down on the seats beside.

"This was a lot better before I my sense of smell increased," I scrunch my nose as I slip the shoes on, Theo breathily laughed to the side of me.

"Still not used to it?" He held out his hand and pulled me upwards, leading me towards the spare alley.

"Not at all," the small tablet in front of us highlighted our faces, a small keyboard on display.

Theo rushed towards the electronic, silently tapping away until "m'lady" appeared onto the big screen above. My lips twisted upwards as he spun around with a smile that matched mine.

"Is this how it's gonna be then?" I try and hide the smile but it was unsuccessful.

"Yeah," a simple yet fulfilling answer.

I shove him gently out of the way, and start tapping on the same screen. T h e o.

"That's the best you can do?" He peered over my shoulder, his breath grazing my neck.

"I couldn't think of anything," I turn my head towards his, our eyes meeting.

He tilts his head with a smile, looking down at my lips and back to my eyes, "it's perfect."

He spins round and walks forward, sitting down on the seats. I don't follow. I stand there, mind spinning with confusion and realisation. A blush spreading to every inch of my face, a tickle erupting inside my body.

His face had been centimetres from mine before, it didn't bother me then.

I bite my bottom lip, eyes tilted downwards and widened with shock.

I wanted him to kiss me.

Kinda a short chapter, but i've got things planned for the next few, this also isn't edited so sorry about that :)

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