Let me Love You - Chapter One

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Hajime Hinata stood by the gates of his dream school. Hope's Peak Academy. The school where students with spectacular talents flourished and thrived. If you attended this school, you're set for life. Resume's with 'Hope's Peak' written on it are accepted without any second glances - and if you're an Ultimate, well...

The world is practically your oyster.

Hajime tried, for years, to try and get a talent. He tried the most basic ideas - like reading and knowledge - to the most outlandish - like scuba diving in the deep ocean. But nothing worked. No matter what he tried, how hard and long he spent doing frivolous tasks, he never excelled at anything.

His wonderful, loving parents, after seeing him try so hard at something so unattainable, spent the last few years of their lives saving and saving, and when Hajime was finally old enough to be able to attend Hope's Peak, they paid for his entry to the Reserve Course, as well as Hajime's own small apartment nearby.

While Reserve Course students aren't as cherished as the Ultimates, they are still looked upon in awe. Some students save for years to try and get in. In the actual school, the Reserve Course are generally hated, but Hajime didn't mind! He could suffer through anything to experience the school he's always dreamed of attending.

He breathed in deeply, wanting to remember this moment forever, before stepping through the gates. He could hear the hustle of the student body move as one, people approaching their lockers, chatting to one another, shouting, and laughing and having fun. With each step Hajime took through this bubble of contentment, his heart lifted.

With a small gleeful grin, he adjusted the backpack on his back, and started towards his class. Even though Hope's Peak is known for helping Ultimates with improving their talent, most classes are simply regular high school classes: Maths, Science, English, and the like. While in class Hajime can feel like the rest of them: and the class he was going to was mixed! He could end up seated next to an Ultimate if he were lucky enough!

He finally arrived at his classroom and sat in the seat with his name written on it, dropping his backpack onto the floor by his desk. He sighed, relieved to have the heavy weight lifted from his back and turned to stare out of the window while he waited for the rest of the students to arrive. It would be nice to make some friends, whether they were an Ultimate or not.

As he reached back down to his backpack to grab his pencil case and notebooks to take notes from in class, the door opens, and a cute boy with white hair walks inside. Hajime locked eyes with him, and he nodded politely towards Hajime, placing his bag on the desk next to him. Hajime took a small peek at the name written on the desk.

"Nagito Komaeda?" He asked politely.

"That's me!" Nagito said with a small smile and wave. "You're... Hajime Hinata?"

Hajime nodded, smile widening at the kindness he was being shown, and bent back down to grab his other notebook.

"So what's your Ultimate?" Nagito asked him, as he began to set up his equipment for the upcoming lesson. "Mine's not very special - just Ultimate Luck."

"Wow, that sounds so cool!" Hajime replied, sparks in his eyes. "I love Ultimates. I don't have one though. I tried for years to become good enough at something to be classified as one but-"

"Oh. You're a Reserve Course student." Nagito interrupted, the polite tone in his voice dropping, as if Hajime no longer interested him.

"I, uhh... yes?" Hajime responded, confused about the sudden change in Nagito's tone. He... he thought they'd end up being friends, but... with how Nagito was now acting, he doubted that would actually happen.

Nagito sighed, seeming more annoyed by the conversation by the minute. "Of course I's the one sitting next to you. Just my luck."

"Nagito...?" Hajime whispered, feeling quite hurt by this boy, who he literally had only just met. "I thought... I thought you might want to be friends?"

Nagito scoffed. "Ha, friends? Me? With a Reserve Course student? Don't make me laugh - even I have standards."

Hajime froze in his seat, Nagito's words processing through his brain. Nagito... he was so nice when they first met... is this how all the students are going to be? For the first time since his dream to enter Hope's Peak started, Hajime suddenly had doubts.

Is it right of me to intrude on a school meant for people with clear talent above the rest...?

He shook his head, pain flashing across his eyes, as the teacher and other students started to enter the classroom. He had spent years of his life preparing for this. His parents saved for years for this.

This was his dream.

And no one was going to take that away from him.

His resolve strengthened, as each student sat down, and the teacher made them introduce themselves one by one. He was the only Reserve Course student in the entire class - which somehow made Nagito even more annoyed. It was clear that some students shared the same sentiment as Nagito about the Reserve Course - a small girl with blonde pigtails and a boy with red hair both glared at him in distain alongside Nagito - but some other students didn't seem bothered.

Once classes finally ended and break started, Nagito sped out of the classroom as fast as possible, and Hajime felt his heart sink as he watched him leave. Even with everything Nagito had said to him, he had really hoped they'd have been able to become friends.

"I guess not." He whispered to himself, starting to pack up his equipment and place them back into his backpack.

"Hajime?" A small voice called to him. He spun around and there was a girl with... some sort of hair colour that he couldn't understand - maybe mauve? - and a boy with bright pink hair standing by his desk.

"Umm... hi?" He responded quietly to their greetings, afraid to talk to them in fear of them becoming like Nagito. He really wouldn't be able to stand that.

"I'm Chiaki, and this is Kazuichi." Chiaki continued, oblivious to Hajime's hesitation.

"Umm... you guys know I'm from the Reserve Course, right?" Hajime asked, face turned away in shame.

"Yeah? What's the problem with that? Do you not wanna hang with us or something?" Kazuichi responded, throwing a confused look towards Hajime. "We were just going to buy some lunch. You're welcome to join us if you'd like?"

Hajime smiled, finally feeling more welcome.

"Y - Yeah! Sure!"

Hopefully his school life continues to have good luck.

Hey guys! Because I'm actually maintaining really good scheduling with all my books, I figured I could allow myself to write this one at the same time as the others (planned out already). This time I have written no backups for it, and it will probably not be updated as regularly as the others. I just have so much passion for Komahina right now, and I wanted to write at least one more fanfiction on it before I lose passion for good and move onto something else.

As you may have guessed, this is a High School AU! Ultimates and Reserve Course and Hope's Peak still exist, but there's no Monokuma or Despair or anything like that (I probably won't mention Junko anywhere either, I mean she'd exist but I struggle to write her character, so she probably won't show up anywhere).

This story will not relate to canon at all, aside from their Ultimates and stuff like that. Oh, and I also decided that it'd be fun if I combined the Danganronpa 1 and Danganronpa 2 games into one, so now there's only one year, which consists of the cast of Danganronpa 1 and 2 (should be somewhat clear that the blonde girl is Hiyoko, and the red hair is Leon from Danganronpa 2 and 1, to show they're in the same class and year).

Anyways, I hope you guys are excited of this new fanfiction, cause I'm excited to write it.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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