Let me Love You - Chapter Six

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Nagito slowly stretched his arms upwards as he woke up, having one of the most fitful sleeps he'd had in years. After stretching, he laid back down and absentmindedly turned on his side, trying to grasp at something which wasn't there anymore. Nagito's eyes stayed closed as his expression furrowed into annoyance, as he realised whatever he was looking for wasn't there anymore.

... What was he looking for?

Nagito's eyes shot open, realising Hajime was no longer in the bed with him. He remembered the two of them falling asleep on opposite sides of the bed, too awkward to move any closer to one another while conscious. But... Nagito also remembers waking up midway through the night and turning, holding onto Hajime like a stuffed animal toy.

His face flushed remembering that. "Hajime!" He called standing up, his pyjama top almost getting caught on the side of the bed. I've got to apologise to him - no one would want anyone creepily holding onto them like that, especially not trash like myself...

Exploring the house, he found no sight of Hajime. Not in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen... wait, what's that?

Doubling back into the kitchen, he spotted a small white plate with a freshly bought bagel lying on top of it. There was a small glass of orange juice next to it, some keys and a note. Nagito picked up the note, and carefully read it.

Hey Nagito!

Sorry for leaving early, I have something I need to do, that I completely forgot about yesterday. You didn't seem to want to let go of me this morning, so I had to put a bit of force into making you let me go. I hope I didn't hurt you too much, I've felt really bad about that all morning.

I didn't want you to leave without any food, so I quickly popped back to the shop when it opened and bought a bagel for us each - I've already eaten my one. I remember you seemed to drink water, which is good, but I figured you might like to try some orange juice. I don't know what time you'll wake up, but if it's warm by then, feel free to tip the liquid into the sink, rinse out the glass, and grab a different drink from the fridge.

I left my keys here because I didn't want to wake you up and kick you out the house so early, but I also didn't want to lock you in here. If you decide to leave and head home, then please lock up the door before you go and take the keys with you. But if you do that, please meet me back at this house around 2:30pm, as my obligation ends at 2pm, and it'll be around 2:30 when I get to the house. You're also welcome to stay in the house until I get back, and if you do so, feel free to use the TV, and eat anything in the house.

Thank you Nagito!! I'll be back as soon as I can!

Hajime x

"Ohh..." Nagito whispered, everything making a bit more sense now. He glanced at the note again, a few thoughts running through his head. Hajime trusted him that much that he left the house to him to look after? He woke up with Nagito tightly wrapped around him... he'd have to apologise for that later... And that explains why his shoulders and sides hurt so much. Hajime fit a lot of words onto such a small piece of paper... and he signed it with a heart! Is that normally something people do when signing notes?

Thinking these questions to himself, he happily bit into his bagel and glanced at the drink on the counter. Orange juice, huh? As he continued to chew on his food, he thought about trying it, which he never really wanted to do before. He'd never tried it, and he never really liked trying new things, but... if Hajime says it's good...

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