Chapter Five

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A/N: So, this is the last chapter. . .

I hope you all enjoyed this story and thank you so much for all of the support and love (despite how old and mildly cringe-worthy it is at times 😅. Since this is the last chapter, I'm not going to bother with the whole big author's note again, but yeah, I hope you enjoy Chapter Five! 💖🥰

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.



The next few hours are a continuous blur of sights and sounds, the noise squeezing together and getting shoved into his ringing ears. 

Peter is a constant weight against his side, the feeling of his baby's chest rising and falling soothing his nerves. The billionaire hears the sound of whooshing air as the Hospital's automatic doors open, the sound of the tires squeaking against the tile floor sending a sharp pain through his head. The rest of the memories are snapshots, as though taken with an old, digital camera, Tony's eyes opening and closing along with them.

Open. Allison stands at the foot of their bed, her mouth moving but no words following. The bright light over head casts half her face in shadow, the yellow glowing around her brown hair like a halo. She holds a needle in one hand, her other reaching toward both Starks, her face becoming fuzzy the closer she gets.

Close. Blackness. Numbness. Nothing.

Open. Sounds run back to him suddenly, the noise ringing and roaring in his ears like a rushing river. A beeping has filled the hospital room, the sound constant and getting more rapid as he breathes. 

The weight of Peter is suddenly pushed away from him, his child giving a low moan as he is carefully rolled into an extra cot, his own heart monitor starting to blare loudly as he squirms. Doctors crowd his bed, blocking Tony's view and making his growl as he hears his baby's sharp cry of pain and sniffling sobs. 

A male nurse, his skin dark and eyes apologetic, pushes the enraged father down as he struggles, his movements delayed and frantic. The same coolness fills the billionaire's body once more, and he slumps back.

Close. It seems that he floats in the sticky darkness of his mind for years, his own subconscious keeping him trapped in it's iron grip when all he really wants to do is get to his son.

 His protective instincts scream at him, telling him to find protect find protect, but he can't break free of the drugs in his system, no matter how many times he tries. So, he just floats, knowing that Peter was not going to be allowed to leave his side when he wakes.

Blackness. Numb. Swirling in the dark, Tony waits and sleeps.


When his eyes snap open sometime later, the brightness that meets him blinds him, the light from the mid-day sun breaking through the open shades to his right. 

The genius blinks a few times, his dark eyes twitching this way and that way as he tries to get his bearings, the tub injected in his arm making a small tapping sound as it hits against the side of his bed. Stifling a groan, Tony slowly raise his head, pulling a clear breathing mask from under his nose with a pop, the beeping of his heart monitor beginning to rise as a thought runs through his brain.

Where's his baby?

Breathing becoming harsh, Tony looks quickly to the side, a relieved sigh falling from his lips at the sight that greets his tired eyes.

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