Chapter 2

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lol no one is reading this so i will be talking to myself. anyways, life ;)


          Yeosang rested his back on his small bed with a sigh. His only intention lately has been helping Joong get back on his feet, but clearly no success was achieved. He cared so deeply about the other, especially knowing him for almost his entire life. Sometimes he finds him self thinking... daydreaming about the older boy. His feelings continue to develop in almost an amorous way. He feels attraction, but he is yet to discover that himself. Yeosang had always been unsure of his feelings. He always denies his heartbeat and flushed face when HongJoong gives him a soft, tiny hug. He likes the boy, but refuses to accept his sexuality.

His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Mom? She's not coming back 'till morning.. strange. He stood up and exited the room, heading towards the front door. He opened the door and questioned, "Mom, you-"

Yeosang's eyes widened as he was taken aback. He blinked a few times. It's late, I'm hallucinating! He practically choked on air, "Why is Park SeongHwa standing in front of me.. at my door- what's happening-"

"Long story, can I come in?"

Yeosang barely peeped out a word before SeongHwa let himself inside. He turned and looked at the blonde haired male, "You're.. Yeosang?"

Yeosang barely nodded, his mouth still slightly agape. How could he not be this surprised? Park SeongHwa, the FAMOUS model, knows his name. His location even... how is this possible?

"I have an interesting story..?" SeongHwa continued to explain the small situation to Yeosang.

"I don't HAVE friends. I have HongJoong!" Yeosang exclaimed.

"Yeah I kinda figured that out. It's not like he's actually going to want to meet up right? What if he figures out it's me.. he'll hate me. You don't understand how much I admire HongJoong and how much he influenced my career!" SeongHwa seemed stress. Despite HongJoong losing his career and being forgotten by many people, SeongHwa was a huge fan-- IS a huge fan.

"Don't get so upset.. however, HongJoong has set a reputation for you, it's not a good one."

SeongHwa felt his palms sweating. Once he arrived under the wing of KQ Modeling, he didn't believe he would be taking Joong's spot. He always felt guilty about it knowing HongJoong was his entire inspiration. Once he realized Joong didn't know who he was in that small approach, he was extremely relieved. His idol does not hate him.

"But how..?" SeongHwa asked.

"How.. what."

"How does he not know who I am? Everyone practically does.."

Yeosang cleared his throat, "Well... once he lost his job he absolutely despised whoever took it." Yeosang gave SeongHwa a sarcastic smile, "It was his life. He doesn't own a phone, because he doesn't want to see articles popping up about you, he honestly wants nothing to do with you. He's basically depressed and spends his time at my house sulking and coloring."


Yeosang nodded, "Yes, coloring. He enjoys childish things considering he didn't have a normal childhood. He would have if he had known his career would go to waste." He gave SeongHwa that smile again.

SeongHwa smiled to himself, but squinted once he snapped out of his daze, "Well you don't seem so nervous anymore."

"Well see, I kinda don't like you for ruining my best friends life."

There was a long hard sigh that came from SeongHwa. Many would think he's overreacting, but the feeling of meeting someone you've admired for so long, knowing they would never notice you... it brought him such joy. Even if he's famous himself. Although the paranoia of HongJoong wanting to physically meet up with him and hang out ate him up, he truly wanted it to happen. He always thought he would be able to become friends with Joong once he became a model under the same company, he never meant to steal the boys career.

"So what are we gonna do? Lie?" Yeosang questioned

SeongHwa slowly began to nod, "I guess it sounds bad.. but wouldn't he feel even worse knowing I was the one who made him miserable?"

Yeosang agreed, "I just want what's best for him. If lying is what we need to do then lying it shall be?"

"Uhm, yeah.."

Yeosang looked up at SeongHwa, noticing the guilt that was still spread across his look. Yeosang began to speak without thinking, "Hey, it's not your fault he lost his job.. we were assuming the company didn't want to get in a scandal because of his sexuality-" Yeosang slowly covered his mouth realizing what he was saying. He didn't have anyone to keep the secret from in the first place, so he couldn't help himself.

"His what?" SeongHwa pretended he didn't hear, even though he did. He felt goosebumps along his arms knowing that Joong was possibly into guys. He didn't understand why he felt that way considering he wasn't a creepy stalker fan that would try to get with their idol.

"Yeah- nothing."

It was late, both of the men were tired. Of course there had to be some sort of drama in the middle of the night. Neither of the boys felt like dealing with this, what was even worse is they were putting someone's emotions at stake. HongJoong's emotions. They both agreed to continue their discussion in the morning. They had exchanged phone numbers and SeongHwa was on his way. Now finally, Yeosang was able to rest.


Yeosang awoke to the sound of sizzling bacon and the smell of perfectly cooked potatoes. He arose from bed in a good mood, not even thinking about the conflict from last night. He trotted downstairs, "Morning mom!"

His mother gave him a wave whilst she was cooking bacon on a pan.

Yeosang's smile faded. He looked straight at a blueberry haired boy sitting at his breakfast bar, eating potatoes. It was Joong.

HongJoong smiled and waved at his best friend. Yeosang waved back. He examined the older, who was wearing the sweatshirt he lended to him last night. Why am I blushing? It's just a sweatshirt. Either way, Yeosang couldn't tell whether or not he was happy or uneasy seeing Joong there. Yeosang took a seat next to him.

"I met your friend." HongJoong squinted, "The one you didn't tell me about."

Yeosang was slightly nervous, "Yeah, SeongHwa.. you met him."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Joong whined.

"Well uhm, it was a surprise?"

HongJoong nodded and started thinking, "We should all hang out today! I've never had a group of friends, so it would be fun right?"

"Well maybe... but I think-"

Before Yeosang could finish his sentence HongJoong giggled, "You'll do anything to make me happy, right?"

I'm only doing this because Joong needs more friends... he needs something better, and it's a win-win situation for me and SeongHwa.. so 

yeah, anything to make you happy.


I get it things r going too fast but not really cuz seonghwa rlly wants to be close with joong and yeosang wants joong to get more friends bc he's LoNeLy. so therefore nothing is too fast im just e.

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