Even though the lads have only been on their European tour for three weeks (excluding the UK because they had a month's break in between). I've seen more of the world than ever before. There's so much to see and do.
Now I know I 'work' for the lads but every time we go to a new place whether it be a new country or city, they allow me to go off and sight see while they do a sound check or interview as long as I am back an hour before the show starts.
First stop was Amsterdam where I took a walk down the river as at sunrise then arrived at Anne Frank’s house for opening time. The place is amazing. I cried. I'm sure many do but it was so overwhelming. After reading the book and watching the film more times than I can count, it has always been a dream of mine to visit. One thing ticked off my bucket list and I get the feeling that being with the band will open up more opportunities for me to tick off more.
Next stop was Germany - Dusseldolf, after an awkward night flight and arriving in a small airport that was not what expected we went off to the hotel. Once the time struck an hour that could be classed as morning, the boys had interviews and a photo-shoot before their sound check. They were in for a packed day. While I travelled to Kaiserswerth - an old forted town where it is said that Florence Nightingale worked within the Deaconess's Institute of Kaiserswerth. It was nice to walk around somewhere with so much untold history and not have to see signs on everything, explain what each place was or how something happened there. I did pick up a tourist information book for the town like I had in Anne Frank’s house, because that's just something I do. Then I can read about somewhere in my own time.
Quickly after the show we had flown to Stockholm in Sweden, we had to be quick about this because the flight times were funny and once again the boys had two interviews before the sound check. Instead of finding something to do with my morning, instead I let exhaustion and jet lag take over. Bed was the best place for me. I didn't even go to the show that night. I was woken up about an hour before we needed to leave for our next flight, to find I was still in the clothes from yesterday. A quick shower and a change of clothes was all I did. We'll be back one day.
When we arrived at our next location (which was Denmark - Copenhagen) I got changed again and went out to see what I could do. We were here for two days, today just had the concert, then the boys had an interview in the evening of the next day so I was on the hut for something for us to do. After walking around I came across a walking tour of the city that started in half an hour. I put my name down then went to find a coffee to take around with me.
After the show, we spent what felt like forever trying to work something out with our day. In the end we decided to go to Bakken, a 431-year-old amusement park is located in the lush woodlands of Jægersborg Dyrehave and the interview got moved to here as well so they could get some different photos of the boys. It was a mad day out. When I say mad I mean it! Who knew the interviewer could get travel sick off a children's land train that she insisted everyone went on for the interview.
The next couple of days few by. Literally! We were in Milan one day were we only had enough time for the sound check then the concert because our flights had been delayed on the way there and they had been brought forward for the trip to Switzerland. Once we got to Berne, we all were so tired from travelling that we slept through the sound check and they lads arrived half an hour before they were meant to go on. They still managed to pull off the best performance of the tour. Next things next, we are on a flight to Porto, Portugal. Where we slept again.
The next morning we were up early because we were driving to Spain - the first show was in Madrid in two days, so while we drove we stopped at random places and found things to do while we had the time to relax, then we travelled to Barcelona in the same tour bus. It was nice to be back in the tour bus again. Not that I ever thought I would say that but I was sick of rushing around to fly from place to place.
Living With These Five
FanfictionSome people when they move half way around the world go with family or have family they are going to live with. No, not me. I am 18 and moving to America with my job. It's not a big deal, I have a terrible relationship with my parents and I moved...