1. Wizardman

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There are many great stories to be told within the worlds of magic. Stories of myth and legend, of past, present and future. This may or may not be one of those stories but it is a story; and this story begins with some friends, allies, evil demons and a devastating war that will change the lives of everyone forever.

Chad Wizardman was a one-of-a-kind student at the Souvanence School of magic and formal education. He was the only mage alive with the ability to use fiery magic, a trait not seen since its banishment over a thousand years ago. Many fear Chad's skills, some wish him dead. By some, Chad was believed to be the great Demon Lord himself waiting for the right moment to strike down his terror upon the unexpected world.
Chad enjoyed scaring his fellow students with the theory of him being a dark lord, by burning things inside the classroom and outside. Girls found him attractive with his blond hair and deep blue eyes, but the fire burning for a heart was a sign for trouble as some would say.

His best friends, Greg Thornton, Rogue Lee and Kirsten Britton were all that stopped Chad from going completely insane. The group overcame every obstacle when together. At sixteen, Chad already had many stories to tell of life's obstacles and complications.

Chad sat on his chair with his back to the blackboard, his arms folded tightly as if deliberately trying to crease his white shirt. He had lost track of the conversation he was having with Mark Brason sitting opposite him. Chad looked up towards the thick wooden beams supporting the ceiling then down at the wooden desk supporting Brason's elbows. The room was bright despite a murky appearance. The wood interior had a burnt out bark effect, the tall windows let in a chilled late winter sun. The walls were also a dark brown colour
blending in with the wood. There was not much to look at in this room, which was why Mrs Claudio always had her class's attention focused on the old dusty blackboard all of the time at the front of the class.

The more Chad looked around the more he had an overwhelming desire to burn everything in the room, he could feel the flames pump through his blood. His chest burned with delight where his heart should have been.

"Chad... Chad, are you alright?" Asked Brason, tired of repeating himself.

Chad blinked then answered coolly, "I just had a burning desire to crisp this room," he laughed, mainly to himself.

"Ah right, ok, well anyway, what do you think about the tournament being held at the weekend?" Asked Brason sounding very eager.

"This weekend?" Chad raised an eyebrow, "I thought you would want time to practice?"

"I do, but I think three days will be enough. I'm gonna win this time," replied Brason.

Chad kept his brow raised, "Fair enough, confidence doesn't hurt anyone. But be warned, I won't hold back. First heats will be in the morning."

"That's fine by me, one thing though, Chad."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

Brason was about to answer when the classroom door crashed open and a short plump woman gracefully swept in. Thick yellow curls fell short of her neck; she wore a frown that could have been close to smiling as sitting on a cactus. Mrs Claudio always walked with delicacy as if she could sweep over anything in her way. The classroom broke into silence instantly as Mrs Claudio made her way to the desk.

"Now class, do not stop on my account," she said coolly, "Maybe you could share with me what was so importantly spoken rather than studying."

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