Prologue: The Last Flame of Jerova

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The hills of Dekra stood silent. The sand whipped at the beaten rock, the wind roared across the deserted plains without even a whistle. Nature was still running its course but the only noise that could be heard was the sound of a million dead screams. Lord Lizac Scenrio stood alone at the foot of the tallest hill facing away from it. His cloak untouched by the wind. Only a week had passed since witnessing the bloodiest battle ever to rage across Earthelle. The Jerovian war was over but Lizac could not hold back the grief he held for the suffering and torment that took place before him.

He screamed into the air, as loud as he could; only the silence answered his scream, “Raigoll!” He screamed again making his voice clearer. He waited, still only the silence responded.

Four tall figures appeared on the horizon, they approached him quickly. Diel Brown, Olivia Brettanun, Morgan Storbri and Tai Blackthorn. They were dressed in long black robes with hoods to cover their faces. All wore the sacred seal of Lizac around their necks, an inter-locking chain, the symbol of all great powers together as one. These were his chosen protectors, ‘Guardians of the Guardian’ they were called by some.
“What’s happened to this world?” Asked Lizac as they approached. “It’s these humans, my Lord. Never should we have trusted such an insolent race,” replied Diel.

“Now, now, Diel Brown,” Olivia spoke up, “Let’s not forget, they are still only babes to us. They share only our looks, not our wisdom and very little of our power.”

“I’ve lived to see over two million years shape this land,” said Lizac, “Never before have I seen such malice among sorcerers and soldiers. Our dear friend, Raigoll has betrayed me, betrayed us! Betrayed everything we swore oath to protect.”
“It is not your fault, Lord Scenrio. No one could have predicted what Raigoll was capable of,” said Morgan sternly.

“His wickedness worked in many ways, but for now, it is over,” responded Olivia.

“You invited us back here for a reason, my Lord. Tell us what it is you desire to speak of?” Asked Tai more sharply than intended.

Lizac wiped away the last remaining tear, the protectors looked on eagerly, “We have walked this world since before mankind became properly established. Me, you and all the others born in the heavens before us.”

“What are you trying to say, my Lord?” Asked Morgan.

“I am leaving Earthelle, my time here is done. The humans will be able to care under your guard.”

“You’re leaving?” Asked Olivia quickly.

“Our guard?” Tai raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t act surprised, Lady Olivia. You knew it was coming. I have decided my place is up there, with our brethren. I doubt I’ll be able to return, I do not plan to if I could. It’s the only thing left for me.”

“But what are we to do?” Asked Diel coolly.
“I have one more request to ask of you. After that you are free to walk among the young ones or join your brothers and sisters for eternity among the stars.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Asked Morgan with a hint of warning.

“It’s what I must do, the people can no longer look upon me for guidance the way they use to. They must act on their own logic and understanding.”

“What is the last request you ask of us?” Asked Tai.

“It will be better if I show you first,” replied Lizac. He raised his hands, pointing towards the sky; a beam of red light shot from his palms thousands of miles into the air and exploded into red flames. A great ball of fire began floating where the explosion took place. The protectors stared in amazement, the depths of Lizac’s power even surprised those who had seen it a million times over, “That burning rock will glow brightly for exactly one hundred years. When it does die out I want fire magic to be no more. You have until then to extinguish the flame in sorcerers forever, only then will you be free from my burden.”

“Protecting you was not a burden, my Lord,” stated Diel proudly, “I would serve you a thousand more years if you would allow it.”

“Diel, you have been a great friend and an excellent bodyguard, but I’m afraid it’s not me you need to protect anymore.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” said Diel, “I will hold your honour.”

“What of the rest of you? Will my warriors complete their journey with me?”

“Certainly, my Lord,” replied Morgan.

“It’s been a pleasure, Lord Lizac,” responded Olivia.

“I would have followed you in death,” said Tai triumphantly.

Lizac nodded, “I know brother. This is important now, fire magic must be removed from the knowledge of all sorcery. Its power has been to great, to far associated with the arts of darkness. In the wrong hands, fire can be devastating. If anyone attempts to use it again, I fear the results will be catastrophic.”

“It will be hard to remove such skill from the vocabulary, my Lord,” warned Olivia.
“I know, but my last request to you is to purify this world of the dark taint in magic with any means necessary. I want the people to be fearful of it, even hate it if it comes to that. The lands will be free again.”

“I agree, it would be difficult,” said Diel.

“But not impossible, think of it as a dying wish from an old friend,” smiled Lizac, he looked up at the bright burning ball above their heads, “It can be done.”

The four protectors stared at one another before replying together, “We’ll do it… For you, Lord Lizac.”

“Good, it is now my time to part, I wish you a fair road ahead. I pray you enjoy your freedom.”

“We were already free, serving you was an honour,” replied Morgan.

“Thank you, Morgan.”

“Where will you go once you reach the stars, Lord Lizac?” Asked Olivia curiously.

“My first priority is to see to Raigoll Yatzili. Despite what he has done, he was once a great Lord and is still a close friend. After that, who knows? Maybe it is my turn to watch over as the world rebuilds itself into a new age,” Lizac started to fade, “Warn the world please, not all is safe. When one dark lord falls another will eventually take their place. When the world calls for it, there will also be another to take my place. Please remember…” Lizac vanished leaving the four protectors standing, watching the fiery ball in the sky.

“Goodbye, Lord Scenrio,” they all said at once.
There was a long pause before anyone spoke, “A new guardian of sorcery?” Asked Tai confused.

“We must spread the word…” Said Diel quickly, “…And fulfil a great man’s wish.”

“I wonder who the five new protectors will be?” Olivia spoke mainly to herself.

“We’ve got work to do, let’s get started,” said Morgan taking one last look at the fire and walking away.

The four ‘Guardians of the Guardian’ proceeded with the last request of Lord Lizac Scenrio. A hundred years passed and the power of fire became a legend. The protectors joined their brothers and sisters among the stars and thus the prophecy was born…

When the world crumbles,
Six will awaken,
The seal of light will call,
The power of Meldic will answer,
Shadow and darkness will fall,
The Guardian of Sorcery is reborn.

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