18. Heroes In The North

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The journey back was slow and very hard. Chad left the fight behind at Darren's request. He walked with Malk slumped over his shoulders. There were hundreds more around him carrying the wounded. He knew the battle would continue well into the night, the sun had nearly set and the moon was out. Darkness was drawing in fast.

Chad could see the walls of Souvanence, he wished so much to be wrapped up in his bed sleeping. He whistled 'City on the water' to himself. Malk had woken briefly since they started walking but was asleep again, making things harder for him. He wished he could do something for the man's pains, but keeping him warm was all he could do as they walked. He wondered whether he should return to the fight and help Darren and the Elites or not. He felt a certain responsibility to do so. Revlic appeared in his mind. The Warmaster had given him a chance to fight for evil, If that's the best they can come up with then I'll have no problems in the South, he thought positively. Chad had been taught that Revlic was a merciless, ferocious killer; one definitely to be avoided, but he, Chad Wizardman, killed the pathetic creature with very little help from Kirsten's brother. Chad pictured the glory, thousands of people crowding him, wanting to get a look at the fire wizard and Warmaster slayer, I'll be famous. Remembered forever, and I haven't even given Lucrece anything to worry about yet, he whistled a tune that he could not remember hearing before, but it sounded good so he carried on.

A soldier walking close by heard him whistle, "Seven kingdoms. Very good song," he said smiling.

"Excuse me?" Replied Chad.

"That song you're whistling. That was composed by Raigoll for Lord Scenrio. 'The seven kingdoms of Jerova.' I did not know they taught it to youngsters."

"Must be a new thing," lied Chad.

The soldier started to whistle 'Seven kingdoms,' Chad joined in and so did many of the soldiers around them.

The remainder of the journey did not seem to take as long from then. They reached the walls quickly and the gate was open awaiting their return. Chad sensed a warm welcoming glow surrounding the city.

Many of the soldiers passed through the gate before Chad and made their way to the converted med unit. Captain Fishrual stood at the gate and greeted them all as they entered. Chad tried to keep his head down but was stopped by the Captain.

Fishrual glared at him, "We are going to have a serious talk tomorrow, young man," he said then smiled, "Welcome back, Soldier."

It felt good to be called a soldier and Chad found it hard to hold down a broad smile creeping across his face as he carried Malk to the med unit. He saw Kelsic standing close by and approached her.

"How is he?" She asked.

"Not good, but he's alive at least," replied Chad, "Are the others back yet?"

"I'm afraid not. They ran into outlaws and that was the last word I got," she replied sadly.

"I am sure they are fine," said Chad reassuringly. He walked past Kelsic and into the med unit.

Chad spotted Kirsten straight away. She held up a soldier lying on a bed and forced a green potion down her throat. He approached her as quickly as he could. Malk was really weighing him down after the long walk from the battlefield, "Kirst!" He shouted.

Kirsten looked up and a smile stretched across her face. She lay the soldier back down gently again and ran over to Chad. She was about to grab him into a tight hug until she saw the unconscious man slumped against him, "Is that Malk? Were you fighting?"

"There's no time to explain. Please, can you help him?"

"Yes, sorry, of course. Bring him over here," said Kirsten professionally.

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