e.p. - endings, beginnings

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w: gun, suicide

Emily ran into the room, her face frantic. "Y/n, they're here. We need to go now!" She said, grabbing your hand. 

"I know where to go. Follow me." You lead the way, your long black dress swishing at your ankles as you ran up the stairs, Emily holding up the fabric of her own so it wouldn't get caught under her heels. You pushed open the door to the fire escape, feeling the cool city air on your face.

 "Why are we on the roof? We can't go anywhere from here Y/n — how are we supposed to..." she started, her voice trialing off, eyes widening. 

You placed your hands on her cheeks, kissing her softly, each second filled with passion and need. The world stopped around you; the sirens in the distance being muffled by the fear in your mind and the love in your heart. You pulled away, your hands still on her face, stroking her warm cheeks with your thumbs. 

"There's no where left for me to go." You spoke softly. 

The moment was shattered when the door opened, Emily's team with their guns drawn, pointed at you and the woman you love. You grabbed Emily and climbed on the ledge, your back facing the six-story fall. You wrapped your arm around her neck and removed the pistol from your thigh holster, pressing it to her temple. Emily placed her hands on your forearm, squeezing you tight. "Don't shoot!" She yelled to her colleagues. the agent's faces confused.

"Prentiss, what the hell are you doing?" Morgan yelled, his gun lowering slightly. 

"Derek, please don't shoot! I love her. Please, just let us go." She pleaded, the other's faces falling. 

You pulled Emily closer, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes. Your ankles felt weak as you balanced on the rooftop, positive of your next move. 

You needed her to be safe

Hotch walked closer to you both, his gun pointed at your face. "It's over y/l/n, let Prentiss go."

 You kissed the back of her head. "I'll see you soon. Promise." You whispered. 

You pushed her forward so she fell to the concrete of the roof, her quickly turning to face you. You stared into her deep eyes as you took a step back, falling off of the building.

As you fell, your life flashed before your eyes —yet not seeing it all, just the parts that mattered.

You saw her buying you a drink at the bar and kissing you under the stop sign at 5th and Park. You saw her telling you that she will always love you no matter what you did and no matter how illegal. You saw her hugging you tightly and never wanting to let go and you dropping down on one knee.

The very last thing was her hand reaching down for you and you reaching out as well, being so close, yet so far to the woman you were never meant to love.

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