e.p. - what am I now?

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You walked into the apartment, seeing Emily on the couch. She quickly stood up and turned to face you, her face sad as she picked at her fingers. You rolled your eyes, throwing your keys down on the table. 

"Can we talk?" She asked. 

"There's nothing to talk about." You mumbled, crossing your arms. 

"Y/n, I don't know how many times I can apologize. I feel like you're not listening to me and we need to communicate if we want us to work." 

"You're the reason we aren't working!" You yelled, tears building in your eyes as your cheeks felt like they were on fire. She just stared at you, making you feel like an idiot. You looked down at the floor and inhaled sharply, sniffling and wiping your eyes. 

"What am I now?" You asked, looking back up to her. 

She furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?" 

"What am I now? What am I to you now that you've slept with another woman? What am I to you now?" You said, raising your voice. 

"You're the woman I love, Y/n. It was a mistake!" She cried. You walked closer to her, her face softening. 

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have even considered cheating on me. I'm done - we are done." You walked out of the apartment you and Emily once shared, slamming the door shut on your way out.

. . .

Emily walked into the bullpen, her bag slung over her shoulder. She went over to her desk and set her things down, noticing your empty desk beside her. Derek was walking by with his coffee mug and Emily stepped in front of him, stopping him. 

"Where's Y/n?" 

Derek rubbed the back of his neck, "She's gone, Prentiss." 

Emily cocked her head, his words not seeming making sense in her mind. "What do you mean she's gone?" She questioned, her tone stern. 

Derek nodded his head in the direction of Hotch's office, signaling for her to speak with him. She followed, crossing the bullpen and going up the steps, not even bothering to knock as she entered the small room. 

"Prentiss, I'm busy." He said.

She went to his desk, slamming her hands down onto it. "Where is she?!"


You gently knocked on the door, pushing it open once you heard the muffled "Come in." You stepped inside and stood in front of Hotch's desk, removing your gun and badge from your belt.

 "Sir, I am resigning from the FBI, effective immediately." 

Hotch stood from his seat, his brows furrowed. "Y/n, are you sure about this?" 

You nodded without hesitation. "I have made my work personal, which was a massive mistake on my part. I loved being apart of this team and I am very grateful for the opportunity you gave me." 

"This is about Prentiss, isn't it?" He asked. 

You turned around, going to the door and placing your hand on the knob, about to leave. You looked back to him, hiding the oncoming tears. "Aaron," 

His head perked up, not used to you calling him by his first name. 

"it's been a pleasure." You pulled open the door, walking out and across the bullpen for the very last time.

. . .

You threw your last suitcase in the trunk of your car, slamming it shut and getting in the driver's seat. Your phone started ringing again and you pulled it out of your pocket, staring at the caller ID and feeling the rage boil in your chest. You hit the green button and put the phone to your ear. "What the hell do you want, Emily?" You asked. 

"Where are you? Are you at your place b-because we need to talk. Hotch said you quit, and you cant quit, Y/n." She blubbered, speaking so fast you could barely understand her. 

You sighed, turning the keys in the ignition. "My whereabouts are none of your concern. But, I'm leaving town. You won't see me again, don't worry." 

"No, no, Y/n, that's not what I want!" She expressed. "I don't want you to go! I need you here, we all need you here. You cant just walk out." 

A tear trickled down your face, you quickly wiping it off. "You think I'm happy to leave my family?" You sobbed.


"You think I'm happy to leave my life behind? No, I'm not, so stop acting like I'm doing this just because! You cheated on me. You betrayed me and my trust, so I'm done. Please just let me go." You put your phone down, ending the call and backing out of your parking space, heading in the direction of the airport.

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