twenty one | truth

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"These chips are really good."

A snicker escapes out of me and faintly I hear Sapnap burst into giggles as well. Both of us were so fixated on the movie, tensely on the edge of our seats watching the main character escape death for possibly the fifth time so far.

George bobs back and forth in the armchair, rocking incessantly with a bowl of chips and knees scrunched up to his chest. Sapnap and I both look at him from the perpendicular sofa with almost identical expressions of amusement. He practically immediately claimed that spot for himself as soon as we entered the living room. 

The take-out we ordered spreads out on the glass table in styrofoam boxes and plastic cups, bordered by the armchair, the sofa Sapnap and I are on, as well as a two-seater on the other end of my sofa.

Light emits from the TV on the opposite side of the room, washing over all three of us and Patches, who's curled up into a ball besides Sapnap.

Humorously annoyed, I lean over to the right to lightly scratch her ears. "I still don't know why she likes you so much."

Sapnap looks down at my hand and dramatically pushes it away, a grin growing on my face. "I'm just too lovable."

"Oh, yeah, we all love you, Sapnap," I muse, trying to snake my hand back to pet her head. He mocks my tone, scrunching up his face to mimic me and we descend into a light giggling fit. 

My gaze floats back to the TV as I wrap my blanket around me tighter, feeling the thick material hold in my body heat. The main character's saying some dramatic monologue to his allies, face sweaty and hair disheveled.

A crunch draws my attention to George, who has poked another chip into his mouth. Sitting in the armchair, away from our sofa, he's slightly closer to the television than Sapnap and I. I can see part of his face, even though the hood of his hoodie covers his hair.

I watch as his eyes flick from the bowl to the screen, as if deciding which is more important. A small smile unknowingly melts on my face as I watch him rock the seat back and forth again.

A sound of surprise from Sapnap makes me look back at the screen. The bad guys have somehow ambushed the protagonists and their friends, having them surrounded in a swift formation.

They escape, of course, after a tense fight scene that leaves several of their enemies dead. The rest of the movie progresses in a typical action movie pattern, slightly too predictable for my taste.

The heroes succeed, the guy gets the girl that's obviously portayed to be his love interest, and the world is saved.

Credits begin playing in front of a series of images in a cartoon style of the real-life shots. I look down at the makeshift bowl I had used to take some of George's chips, nothing left but crumbs.

Besides me, Sapnap yawns, stretching his arms and almost hitting me in the face. I realize how quiet the three of us have been for the past hour or so, just silently watching the movie with an occasional comment, expression of surprise, or cheer of victory. We've died down from the initial bouts of excitement when Sapnap had just arrived at my house and it was the first time that all 3 of us had interacted, but now it's nearly midnight and with the close of the day comes the shut down.  The bright screen slowly lulls me to sleep, the unnecessary brightness gently pressing my eyelids closed.

I unwrap the blanket around me and extend my limbs from the cramped position they've been in. Patches awakens from the sudden movement and quietly hops off the sofa. Wandering over to George, she wait patiently for him to give her some of the food in his bowl.

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