\/\~1~/\/ (fin)

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TW: underage drinking, alcohol abuse

You walk down to the lab after school, slinging your bookbag down on the ground as you enter. You find your father, Tony Stark, hard at work. He glances up when you enter, giving you a small smile before returning to his earlier project. "Hey, kiddo, how was school?"

You shrug, even though he can't see it, grabbing a handful of blueberries from where they sit. "It was fine," you respond, popping the superfruits into your mouth. You walk closer to study what he's doing. "What's that?"

"It's a new web shooter for Peter's suit," he explains. You nod, stiffening a little when he says the boy's name. Peter Parker, or Spiderman, goes to your school and at sixteen, is a year older than you.

"Do you think we can have a game night tonight?" You request.

He shakes his head, not looking up. "Sorry, Y/n, but Peter's coming over again tonight and we're going to be working. You want to invite one of your friends from school over or something?"

"Nah, it's fine. I probably have homework anyway." You try to sound nonchalant, but your dad notices the weird tone and looks up at you quizzically. Thankfully, he doesn't push anything. "Do you want me to order pizza?" You ask.

"Yeah, sure," he responds. You grab your backpack, making the order on your phone as you head upstairs. You try to ignore the pangs of jealousy as you head to your desk in your room to work on homework. It seems that your dad is spending every moment he can with Peter, and you don't mind that so much as you do his complete ignorance of you. He only pays attention to you when you're in the same room and Peter isn't, and even then it isn't his full attention--he's always working. Further proof of that is that, if he had listened in the past when you'd talked to him (or at least tried to) he'd know that you don't have friends to invite over, a problem you don't know how to go about fixing.

You get your work finished up, moving to your bed to re-read On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (or y/f/b), one of your favorite books. Eventually, you were interrupted by F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Miss Stark, your father requests your presence, as it is time for dinner."

"Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.," you respond to the A.I., who answers cordially as you head downstairs. Peter and your dad are already sitting there.

You grab a paper plate and two slices of pizza, taking the seat across from your dad as Peter stole the one beside him. "Hey, Y/n?" Your father as you sit.


"Next time can you get a meat-lovers'? That's Peter's favorite."

"Sure," you respond, mouth full, as you take care not to sound biting. The eye-roll is involuntary.

"Hey, what's with the attitude?"

Instead of answering, you deflect with a question of your own. "What's Peter been doing every Friday?"

Your dad glances at the highschooler. "Homework, Spider-ing, and working in the lab, right?"

Peter nods, confused, and begins to say, "I'm right here, why not ask m-"

"And what have I been doing every Friday?" You interrupt, ignoring Peter in favor of watching your father closely. His brow furrows as he thinks.

"Hanging out with friends?"

You shake your head and stand, chuckling bitterly. "That's what I thought," you mutter, taking your remaining pizza and heading to the elevator to go upstairs. Peter and your dad exchange confused glances.

TWIST OF FATE • A multi-ending Stark!Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now