\/\~15~/\/ (fin)

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Wong puts up a forcefield as Strange walks to you and Bruce.

"Doctor Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us..." he opens a portal before turning to you. "Miss Stark, would you like to leave?"

In response, you tap your arc reactor and your suit quickly forms around you. Nodding, Strange backs away, moving back to a defensive position.

You push a car forward as your dad returns, which the first alien cuts in half.

"We gotta get that stone outta here, now," Tony says.

"It stays with me."

"Exactly. Bye." Your dad flies forward, but a metal tentacle from the spaceship wraps around him. He is blasted to the park but you don't have time to check on him. The large alien follows him, leading you to have to deal with the telekinetic one.

He begins throwing rocks, bricks, debris, etc at Wong and Strange, who open portals.  You throw an abandoned taxi to distract him, allowing them to open end portals and letting the debris hit the alien.

This gives them a chance to wrap long strands of... something around him, and Strange pulls the alien to himself. They fly up and into a wall, into which the alien begins to bury Strange. You notice Strange as a rope tightens around him and look around, trying to form a plan. When the cloak saves him, you follow, the alien and SpiderMan on your heels. The latter gets knocked down by a billboard but you do a pretty okay job at avoiding the things he sends your way.

That is, until metal closes around both you and Strange. Thankfully, Spiderkid saves him, but Strange begins to be beamed up into the space ship. This drags Peter along with it while you work on getting out of the trap. You do, and catch Peter when he falls, the both of you flying up and climbing aboard the spaceship after you override Friday sending Peter back.

You both climb in as he mutters, "Oh my god. Oh, I should've stayed on the bus."

"You're damn right you should have," you mutter sarcastically. You lower your mask, what with the oxygen being accessible finally, and give him a weak smile. "How ya doing, Peter?"

"Y/n? I- I thought you ran away."

You shrug. "I did. Got tired of running, not here to stay but I decided to visit. Probably should've picked another week." He chuckles at that. "So where were you going before this?"

"Field trip to MOMA."

"Fun." You look around and notice a way to the main chamber. "Ready to kick some alien ass?"

"Uhh, yeah." You both climb up in awkward silence, before he begins. "I- I'm sorry that I made you r-"

"Don't be. You aren't the reason I ran away. I had a couple, ten to be exact. The ex-Avengers. The tenth reason was my dad. I just have had abandonment issues. So none of this was on you, chill."

"Oh." He sounds relieved. The two of you make it up and he begins to say something but you shush him, pointing at your dad. You two slowly make your way across the room to him, thankful for the bars the ship has.

"Wow, you're a seriously loyal piece of outerwear," Tony tells the cloak. At that, Peter drops down.

"Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty..."

"What the..."

You join Peter. "I know what you're going to say," you greet.

"You two should not be here."

"I was gonna go home," you excuse.

"I don't wanna hear it."

"But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way," Peter pleads.

TWIST OF FATE • A multi-ending Stark!Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now