36 - 22 Jan 21

13 0 0

27; date him

go to Vormir, he and you fight Nat and Clint, taking them both down, and then fight each other. Same scene happens with you in CLINTS spot almost down but caught by the cord he puts and him in nats spot dying

Then you snap instead of your dad and both of you exist in the soul stone

The end (you die yay)

You watch as Thanos puts on the gauntlet. Captain Marvel manages to stop him until he uses the Power Stone to hit her away. You lock eyes with Strange, who holds up a shaking, singular finger. One in fourteen million.

Thanos groans as he replaces the Power Stone in the glove. You push yourself up and rush forward, struggling. In a stroke of genius, you grab the stones from his gauntlet as you hold it open, preventing him from Snapping. He knees you in the stomach before hitting your head down and then slapping you across the face, sending you flying. You roll in the dirt, too worn out to push yourself up. Your suit begins to put the stones in itself as Thanos moves to snap.

"I am... inevitable," he calls triumphantly. He snaps, but when nothing happens, he looks at the gauntlet in shock, noticing the stones' absence.

You force yourself into a weird sitting-kneeling position. The last stone is placed into the makeshift gauntlet formed by your suit. Light and energy course up your am, feeling like a thousand needles. The pain is indescribable, unbearable. You throw your head back and bite down on your teeth, not letting yourself cry out in pain.

"And I..."you pant, "am... a Stark." You snap your IronMaiden gauntlet, the pain somehow getting worse—not that you thought that possible. Adding to it is the sensation of burning all along your right side.

You watch, exhausted, as the Children of Thanos slowly turn to dust. The ships, the aliens, all of them. And finally, their leader.

No one notices anything except the dust—no one notices you. You crawl to a large piece of debris from the blown-up compound, leaning your head against it. You don't think anyone will notice you die, which hurts, but you're okay with that. You close your eyes, focusing on evening out your breath.

The sound of someone landing beside you causes you to open them. You manage a weak smile as your best friend walks closer for the first time in seven years--the five she missed being dusted, and the two and a half before when she was on the run. She puts her hand on your cheek, moving it down to your shoulder as her eyes brim with tears.

Clint runs up, pausing as he takes in your condition.

"Y/n?" He pants. Wanda gives you another sad smile, stepping back to give you two space. "Hey!" He breathes shakily. You stare ahead. "Y/n. Can you hear me? " You nod as well as you can, unable to do much more than that. "It's Clint." He finally moves where you can look at him. "Hey. We won, Y/n. We won, Y/n. We won! You did it, kid, you did it." He cries, bowing his head. "I'm sorry. Y/n."

"Ethan," you whisper, and he looks up, understanding. Call Ethan and the rest of the team.

You lock eyes with Nat as she gently helps Clint up, leading him away. He cries into her chest as she hugs him off to the side.

Your dad comes forward, kneeling by your side. Pepper stands behind him, hands on her husband's shoulders, and Rhodey and Wanda stand near Clint and Nat.

"Hey," he greets.

"Hey, Dad," you respond softly. He puts his hand on your left cheek and you cover it with your own.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Tony says.

"Life functions critical."

You smile weakly. He reciprocates, tight-lipped. "Y/n?"

TWIST OF FATE • A multi-ending Stark!Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now