43 - 23 Jan 21

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37; live with Pepper and Morgan

By the time of the funeral, your dads funeral, you've popped. Also have some scene of talking to Eleanor and Michael, Daniels parents.

You sit at a Sonic, nursing a Strawberry Limeade slushee. You take care not to let your tears get in the drink.

A knock comes from the passenger side door and you unlock it, not needing to look to know who it is. "I'm pathetic," you mutter as he gets in the car.

"Figured I'd find you here," Scott greets as he slides in. He turns to look at you. "Thought you were going to New York City?"

"I am. The appointment isn't until four, though, and it's only an hour away."

"It's two-thirty. What, you you were going to sit here for half an hour drinking that?"

"Well it's not like I can go out and get drunk," you snap, glaring at him. "Look, I lost my dad and my husband less than twenty-four hours apart. When that happens to you, you can tell me how it feels."

"Yeah, about that..." he scratches the back of his neck. "You left the funeral early."

"What do you mean...?"

He doesn't answer you, interrupted by a voice you know all too well. "Hey, Lang, get out of the car, I want to talk to my daughter."

Scott quickly leaves and your dad gets in the car. "D-Dad?"

"In the flesh."

"Please tell me I'm not hallucinating."

Your dad moves to pinch you in response and you slap his hand. He watches you with unblinking eyes and you stare back. "That good enough for you?" He finally says.

You say nothing, turning back to face forward and buckling up again. "You planning on coming or not?"

He shrugs, following suit. Unlike Scott, he actually closes the door, and you immediately put the car in reverse and start driving to the OB-GYN where you have your appointment. You do so in silence, your father soon getting on your nerves as he drums his fingers incessantly. The initial shock of his survival having worn off, you grow angry.

Tony is the first to break the thick silence. "You didn't stick around the funeral for too long."

Your grip on the wheel tightens, and you continue to stare ahead. "Tell me, Dad," you begin in a cold voice, "you and Maria were close, yes?"

He shrugs, nodding. "Relatively."

"And did you stick around her funeral?"


Finally, you can't take it anymore and punch the side of the steering wheel. You put the car on autodrive so you can face your father. "What the hell, Dad?!"

He doesn't seem shocked at your outburst. "What?"

"You're so selfish!"

That does shock him. "Selfish? I could've died!"

"Exactly my point!"

You find the road easier to glare at and take the car back off so you can drive. You take a few deep breaths and begin again, calmer this time. Tony waits patiently for you to speak, an adjective one wouldn't usually use to describe him.

"After you 'died', I wanted to take your place. For one thing, I would be back with Daniel. But also, it hurt too much. Being left behind." You exhale slowly. "And then I realized how selfish that was. I mean, I have a kid, so it'd be me killing both myself and a baby. At the same time, it's selfish to leave someone behind so you don't have to be the one left." You glance at him with sad eyes. "Because then you're leaving them to go through pain for who knows how long, when you just have to go through some physical pain for a small amount of time and then you're gone. And in my experience, physical pain is infinitely more bearable than emotional."

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