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A present day story about what lockdown would be like if you were stuck with 13 (probably a lot better than what it is now). I know I am just so sick of being stuck at home and not seeing my friends and family and it's very easy to become angry - I know I am just almost constantly angry or totally fed up - so this a reminder to stop, take a breath and face time someone you care about. Lockdown sucks but it wont and cant last forever. We'll get through it.

You knew about the pandemic before you had left once again in the TARDIS with The Doctor so when you came back to Earth you weren't surprised to see that it was still going on. You had thought that almost a year from the first 6 month lockdown that maybe some normality would be coming back, but it is what it is. You were lucky enough to be able to fly away from it but you made sure you rang your family and friends after every trip you had to make sure that they were doing okay. Mental health across the world was at an all time low and you knew almost everybody was struggling even more than last time. 

The noise the TARDIS makes when The Doctor leaves the breaks on during landing faded as you stepped out into your living room. You'd really missed being at home but equally you were definitely taking the lockdown as an opportunity to travel with The Doctor a whole lot more. The Doctor followed you out as you made yourself comfortable on the couch.

"Bad news, Y/N. The TARDIS needs sort of... recharging. But not recharging, it's nothing like that at all but long story short we're going to be stuck here for a little while," the blonde gave you an apologetic smile, knowing that it was pretty much your worst nightmare just sitting around and not being able to do much.

"Oh." was all you could muster in response. You knew The Doctor was going to find this very tricky too. The woman just cannot sit still for more than a fraction of a second. She's like a puppy. 

"It's okay though, I promise you're going to be okay - we'll do loads of baking and go on walks and there's loads of Earth Tv shows and films I've never watched!" She reassured you, sitting down beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad?


Your first week in lockdown with The Doctor went quite well. You could also still go into the TARDIS so you didn't feel too confined and you showed the doc some lovely nature reserves near where you lived. On a night you would both get comfy on the couch (or in the cinema room in the TARDIS) and watch a movie your girlfriend was yet to see. 

There were many attempts at trying to teach The Doctor how to make sweet treats or sometimes you'd cook her a meal (which she repaid you for in kisses). The baking, though, always ended up with The Doctor covered in cake batter or flour or cookie mix - including her hair.

Everything was pretty enjoyable until week 4. Up until then you'd been enjoying the domesticity of being with the time lord in your home - you had even taught her how to braid hair (hers wasn't really long enough but you found it extremely relaxing when she braided your own hair) and for the first time ever in your relationship you got to wake up every morning to her and make breakfast together and do everything couples usually do. There was simply no time for these things in the TARDIS. By week 4 though, the novelty had begin to run out. You missed your friends and family dreadfully, as well as being able to go shopping or go out for dinner and even go to work. Staring at a computer screen all day wasn't ideal either. 

The Doctor had noticed this change in mood and had been subtly trying to bring it up for a few days - of course you always brushed it off and said you were fine. 

"Y\N? Please will you talk to me?" she asked softly, seeing you clearly very upset on the couch, drowning under a massive blanket. "I know you're not okay and that's alright. I promise, just talk to me and I can help you, yeah?" you hummed in response, taking a moment before telling her what  was on your mind.

"I miss my mum. And my dad. And my grandparents. And my friends. Just everything I had is gone and it's so frustrating that I can't do a single thing about it." her hand had started stroking your cheek and she had sat down as well. Subconsciously, you cuddled up closer to her and her hand moved to your hair. "I hate it all so much."

"I know, I know. It's awful, it really is and I expect that everyone is going through ups and downs at the minute so you're not alone. I know it feels like that more than ever but I promise you that you're not alone. You're so strong - strongest person in the universe - and you'll get through this because you're utterly brilliant." her soft voice was very calming and just listening to her speak made you feel so much better. And she was right - the whole world is going through the same thing. Some were coping more than others but you were most definitely not alone in what you feeling. Especially not when you were with The Doctor.

"Can we go for a walk? I need some fresh air, I think." you sat up a little, looking up at her. With a bright smile she kissed your forehead and agreed, rushing off to get her boots on. 

As long as The Doctor was there it was very hard not to be optimistic. And you made a point of whenever you had that sinking feeling to stop for a moment and think about the good things that were happening to you. Or even things that you could change, that you had control over. 

Plus, who on Earth can stay sad while looking at this woman?

Plus, who on Earth can stay sad while looking at this woman?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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