December 1st

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"IT'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAAS!" you happily sang through the corridors of the TARDIS, making your way to the console. The fam were already chatting about the next adventure - although Graham was still complaining about the last one. "gooooood morning!" 

"Morning, Y\N," Yaz chuckled at how cheery you were, Ryan and Graham greeting you too. The Doctor was smiling at you too, her face lit up by the purple and orange glows of the TARDIS console room. She looked very cute. And if you two were alone, you would have definitely pointed that out - the Doctor and yourself had been experimenting with dating for the past few weeks (or however long it'd been - it was always so hard to tell). Well, dating if you counted running around alien planets and trying to not get shot as a date, of course. Oh yeah, and if it still counts as a date if three of your friends are also there. 

"What's got you in such a good mood? You usually hate mornings," The Doctor asked, watching you sit down on the steps next to her.

"On Earth, it happens to be the 1st of December, which means its almost Christmas!" you beamed. The Doctor also at this moment in time thought you were incredibly cute too. 

"I always love the first; me, mum, dad and Sonya always put the tree up together - or at least we watch mum do it and get shouted at for being in the way - but then we watch Christmas movies all day with hot chocolate," Yaz explained with a sad smile on her face, clearly missing her actual family. It was hard being in the TARDIS, losing track of time, being far too excited an busy to miss anybody but then feeling immense guilt later on.

"Oh. I guess I've never done anything like that. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever really celebrated Christmas." The Doctor's smile faded into a frown and you felt something tug at your heart, seeing her even the tiniest bit upset. Chewing your lip slightly, you started to come up with a plan whilst Ryan and Graham shared their Christmas traditions. 


A bit later on, you tracked down the doctor (she was doing some maintenance deep in the TARDIS and it took you forever to find her) and requested that she come and meet you in your room. 

Over the past few hours you had sneaked out of the TARDIS and back to your flat to get all of Christmas decorations you owned. Once you were back, you began to work on putting fairy lights up around your room - also clearing a space to build a blanket fort in front of the tv. The room looked incredibly festive by the time you'd finished, and you even lit some cinnamon-scented candles to make everything feel extra cosy. The only decorations that were missing were the baubles on the tree, but that's where The Doctor comes in. 

"Surprise," you said softly, opening your bedroom door for the Time Lord to step through. She was in awe of how beautiful it all looked. "You said you'd never celebrated Christmas, so I thought we could do that together this year. I made us hot chocolate and cookies and we can watch some Christmas films. OH! And we need to decorate the tree!" you followed her in and shut the door behind you.

"I-I don't know what to say..." The Doctor circled herself, taking in the room then came to face you again. It wasn't often The Doctor was left speechless. "I don't think anybody has ever done something this thoughtful for me."

You stepped towards her, taking her hands in yours. "Well you're always so selfless and kind and give everything you have to save or help others. It's definitely your turn to be spoiled." You couldn't help but smile brightly at the alien in front of you - your smile apparently being contagious because within a matter of seconds The Doctor shared the same expression. 

"I love you." wow. She had never said that before. With three tiny words she had your heart beating like a drum. 

"I love you too, Doc." you pecked her lips and started moving over to where you out the tree, still holding her hand. "Alexa, play my Christmas playlist!" you were both grinning idiots by this point, the Doctor unfamiliar with the song your echo dot had started playing but being very content in your company nevertheless. 

Whilst laughing and having short kissing breaks you soon had decorated the tree and it looked magnificent. The Doctor even used her sonic to customise the lights and make them a little more romantic. 

"Why do you guys decorate trees on Earth?" The Doctor asked, going to the blanket fort you had made to get cosy. It was good question - you weren't entirely sure.

"I honestly have no idea. I'm pretty sure Germany started the tradition though. And a lot of people don't celebrate Christmas or sometimes people celebrate it but aren't religious. Overall though, December is always a time that is spent with family and friends. I love it," you too started to get cosy under the blankets, grabbing the hot chocolates and popcorn to watch Arthur Christmas with. The Doctor didn't reply, instead pulling you close under the covers and kissing the top of your head. You got comfortable and rested your head on her shoulder, sipping at your hot chocolate as the movie started to play. 

"I think Christmas is my new favourite time of year." The Doctor whispers into your hair, the two of you warm in the other's embrace as you drift into a very peaceful sleep. 

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