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ahhhh revolution of the daleks was so good, i missed jack so much! This is a bit of a rewrite of the scene where the fam and 13 meet again :)

For 10 months you and Yaz had been living in the TARDIS that the Doctor had sent you and the fam back to Earth in. You just had to find her again - even if Graham and Ryan thought she hadn't made it out of Gallifrey. Now you were all sat around Graham's dining table discussing the Dalek that Jack Robertson was somehow controlling. 

"This is what I've got so far," Yaz set some newspaper clippings in front of her and you began reading. "Remnants of the Dalek we fought at GCHQ  were cleared but then stolen. The driver is missing, presumed dead."

"And now Robertson's got his hands on it," Ryan sighed. 

"But he can't have because you sent that creature thing that was inside it into a supernova." Graham pointed out. 

"Maybe it's just the casing then." you suggested. "Like they've modelled the thing Robertson has created on the Dalek that we fought?"

"Then that would make it perfectly safe right?" Ryan asked. If it was just modelled from a Dalek but not a Dalek perhaps you and Yaz could go back to finding the Doctor. You were about to respond when you and Yaz both heard the noise. The beautiful noise you had dreamed of hearing for the past 10 months. The TARDIS.

"please let it be her." Yaz whispered as you both stood up, papers starting to fly about the room. You were suddenly very self-conscious, wishing that you'd put some concealer under your eyes or straightened your hair. You were, after all, about to see your alien girlfriend for the first time in ages and she always looked perfect without trying. Unfair, really. 

When the TARDIS finally materialized in front of the four of you, you let out a breath you didn't even know you'd been holding. And then there she was - stepping out of that stupid blue box with her bouncy hair and rainbow tshirt. 

"Hi! I was in space jail," she explained with her hands on her hips, doing that adorable thing where she scrunches up her nose. You were speechless. You had waited so long for her to come back but now that she was you weren't overjoyed. You weren't relieved. You were just angry, and you could feel that Yaz was thinking the same. 

"What?" Graham asked very bluntly just before the TARDIS door opened again to reveal that man who had "scooped" you all aboard his ship a while back and snogged Graham in the process. 

"and guess who got her out!" he smirked, staying at the TARDIS doors.

"You've all met Jack, right?" The Doctor asked with a smile. It suddenly dawned on you that she didn't know. She thought that she had come back 2 weeks after she left you all, at the most. The TARDIS really was the most unreliable ship you could ever imagine. 

"Hey, silver fox!" Jack winked at Graham and if you hadn't been so caught up in all these emotions you would've been on the floor laughing round about now. You did, however, make a mental note to tease Graham about that later on. Graham gave him an awkward 'hello' back while you could hear Yaz's breathing pick up.

"We were worried about you!" she shouted, angrily shoving the Doctor who clearly didn't expect it and fell backwards quite a bit. 

"Doctor, we-" she looked at you and it made your heart thud in your chest. "We thought you might have died on Gallifrey." you looked anywhere but her eyes.

"What?" you were right. "How long's it been?" she really did think she'd come back straight away. The Doctor looked at the four of you in shock as she realised she was gone for much longer than she intended. "A week? Two weeks?"

"Ten months." Ryan mumbled, knowing that you and Yaz were too angry and upset to even try talking to her.

"Err, whoops." you and Yaz gave Jack a glare.

"You've got a time machine, HOW WERE YOU TEN MONTHS LATE!?" You screamed at her, tempted to shove her like Yaz did but equally not wanting to actually hurt her. The Doctor jumped though and gasped a little when you shouted.

"No, no, no. I set identical  temporal coordinates to when I sent you back!" she looked upset and confused and all the anger you had for her disappeared. 

"Yeah but the TARDIS is rubbish, isn't it?" you reminded her, still upset. 

"I'm sorry."

"I missed you." your eyes were watering and your hands shaking. This wasn't how you had imagined this reunion going. "I really missed you." you pulled your emotional support time lord into the tightest hug you could.

"I really missed you too, Y/N. More than you could imagine." she stroked your back as you rested your head in the crook of her shoulder. "I love you." she kissed the top of your head softly and you couldn't help but smile. You missed this. You missed her. 

"I love you too," the hug ended and you couldn't possibly be upset or angry with her now. However, your cheeks went bright red when you realised the rest of the fam and Jack had been watching, smiling in awe of you both. "Shut up," you mumbled at Ryan as he started to smirk at you.

"Didn't say anything!"

"You were thinking though," and just like that the dynamic between you all had been reset and renewed. The Doctor, Graham and Yaz laughed while Jack came out of the TARDIS fully.

"So what's new on planet Earth?" he asked.


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