(4) Sleepy Morning

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Emmer POV

Ring, Ring

I berry deaper into my blanket.

Ring, Ring.

I groan and berry my face into my pillow.

Ring, Ring.

"Somfonf gef thpt phonp" I groan. (Someone get the phone)

Ring, Ri- "Hm?"

I berry into my phone tuneing out the voice and drifting back into sleep.

and just as i was at the eage of sleep i hear: "EMMERSON!! PHONE!!"

I groan and throw a pillow at Ummer as he walks into my room.

"tepf 'em i'll pring tem tack" I mutter. (Tell them i'll ring them back)

"She said she'll pring you tack, what ever that means" Ummer says. I flatten my ears trying to block him out. Not working.

"Oh that makes sence, okay bye" Ummer says.

"Goof, gimme pillpo" I grunt holding my hand out eyes closed, still. (Good, Give me pillow)

"What?" Ummer asks. "Pillpo" I says. "Sorry, Emmerson i dont speak sleep" Ummer says. I Huff and curl up, my tail near my nose, giving up. Hey! I'm not a morning person, so dont laugh. "Whatever, Kris needs to use your computer" Ummer says. I nod curling into a tighter ball.

After a few minuets Kris walks in. "Hey, sleepy" he says. I wave my hand at him. "What are you doing?" Kris asks. "Pleeping" I say. (Sleeping) "Right" Kris says. My brain gose foggy until 'WAKEY WAKEY!!'. I groan and roll over landing with a thund on the floor. "What you doing on the floor?" Kris asks. "Foxy...wakey, wakey" i mumble. "Uh-huh" Kris turns back to the computer. 'go away Foxy' i tell her. 'No! Get your lazy ass out of bed. You know Kris when running when you slept your lazy ass off' She says. I cover my head trying to block her out until i relise it our mind link. "Goof.....pof Kris" I mumble. (Good for Kris). "What about me?" Kris asks. "Acording to Foxy you Aparently went running, as i slept my lazy ass off" I say talking normaly as the groggyness slowly wears off. "Yep, that i did" Kris says. Its a few minuets of silence. 'EMMER!!!' foxy yells. 'WHAT?!?!' I yell back. 'pew, i thorght you went back to sleep' she says. 'i did until you yelled!' i snap. This time Foxy climbs out from under my bed and pokes me in the side hard might i add, with her paw. I crawl with my blanket under my desk.

Kris peeks at me upside down. "What you doing this time?" He asks. "Foxy poked me" I say. Foxy walks under Kris's legs and jumps on me yelling "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" over and over. Kris abandens the computer and wiggles under the desk as well. "Pillpo" I say useing his chest as a pillow. He chuckles as foxy complain. "Noooo! she was ment to wake up not you both go back to sleep! i dont like loseing" She whines. "Gag it Fox!" I say and curll up into Kris. Foxy mumbles but curls up on my stomech. "just this once" She says. I pet her before falling back to sleep.

Kris POV

i watch Emmer as she sleeps on my chest curled up. Might i add that we're under her desk with my top half under. I put my arm around he waist. and look at her peachful face. She's even cuter with the ears and tail. Her tail moves and raps around my neck. It dosent hurt, it feels like a soft, slightly itchy scaf. But i like it, its smooth and smells like her. Her ears twitch and she snuggles closer. Smiling i close my eyes and drift off.

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