~ Skaters Become The Teachers ~

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Chapter 2: Skaters Become The Teachers

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Chapter 2: Skaters Become The Teachers

"So, ready to do this?" Deku asked Todoroki as they stood on the ice with skates on.  As the rest of the class was having trouble.  Todoroki nodded to him as they then seem what was going on with the rest of the class.

"Momo save me..!!!" Mineta exclaimed as he was on the ice as his whole body was on the ice as Momo was staying clear from him at the rails.  

"Oo~  Bakubro can't skate~" Denki said as he was sitting on the ground with a bump on his head with Kirishima with him as well teasing.

"YOU CAN'T EITHER EXTRA!!!" Bakugou exclaimed angrily as he fell again on his face.

"This is so hard..." Uraraka said as she fell but used her Quirk to catch herself.  Releasing herself before she got to nauseous.  Iida was next to her managing the best he could but wasn't going to well as he used his speed to help balance him.  Many others tried but wasn't doing to well.

"This is gonna be a challenge." Todoroki said as Deku chuckled happily as they then skated out the there classmates.

"With Aizawa-Sensei's permission, me and Todoroki-Kun will be teaching the basics for ice skating!" Deku said happily as everyone turned towards him and Todoroki in surprise.

"WHEN THE F**K DID YOU ICE SKATE DEKU?!" Bakugou exclaimed angry knowing who's doing the teaching.

"Since elementary Kacchan.  Now, everyone to the rails!" Deku said happily as everyone did what he said besides Todoroki who stayed beside Deku.  Everyone after a good few minutes managed to get to the rails.

"Okay, so one by one, me and Midoriya will show and teach you how to balance first off and we'll go from there." Todoroki said as everyone either nodded or was just straight up annoyed.

"So, who wants to go first?" Deku asked as Uraraka raised her hand.

"Okay, let's begin!" Deku happily said as Todoroki nodded.

"Okay Kacchan, your the last one." Deku said as everyone else was either skating better behind them practicing what they were taught.

"Ugh...  D**m nerd." Bakugou muttered out as Deku skated to him holding out both of his hands so Bakugou could balance, as he done for everyone else.

"This is the ONE time I'm doing this nerd." Bakugou said as he placed his hands on Deku's.  Everyone was watching such an action occur in wonder, the girls were recording it.

"Okay, now take a step like you do while walking." Deku said as Bakugou then tched and took a step but when doing so his skate slipped and Deku and Bakugou fell over, with Bakugou on top of Deku. (To all of us BakuDeku shippers!)  In the background you could hear laughs and camera clicks from the girls cameras.

"U- Uh..." Deku stuttered out while having a massive amount of blush on his face.  Bakugou looked at Deku for a moment with a little bit of blush looking at Deku's eyes but suddenly got an angered expression and yelled out in 'anger.' (Aka embarrassment)

"Here's the permission slips brats, you can go back to the dorms now." Aizawa said as he then passed out the permission slips so they could take then to there parents after school.

"You can go back to your homes to get them signed now." Aizawa said as everyone was then leaving but Deku and Todoroki stayed behind with Aizawa, while a angry pomeranian seen this and decided to stay behind.

"Any other questions you two?" Aizawa questioned.

"We simply wanted to ask if we could come here and practice." Todoroki said as Aizawa simply nodded.

"Just be back to yours dorms before sunset." Aizawa said as he then left.

'Practice?  But why' Bakugou wondered as he seen Aizawa walking near so he rushed off before he was caught, before Aizawa could even hear him.

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