Chapter 11

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❝ ✧ *  𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖞: 𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗻𝗮  * ✧ ❞

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❝ ✧ *  𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖞: 𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗻𝗮  * ✧ ❞

ASTORIA turned her attention to Peter was fighting in the arena with Miraz as an attempt to buy Lucy more time. Susan looked to Astoria worriedly when she realized Lucy wasn't with her, but Astoria made an expression that Lucy was fine which eased the anxious sister a little.

   The battle resumed, and Peter earned himself a few jabs in his side, but he didn't hesitate to do the same to Miraz. They'd both even fallen to the ground multiple times, before Peter finally got the upper hand, tripping up Miraz as he collapsed down to his knees.

   But Peter hesitated, looking at Miraz. Miraz was down. He was vulnerable, but Peter didn't want to kill him. "Now is not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund yelled.

   "Show no mercy!" Someone shouted from the crowd.

   But Peter turned his head to look at Caspian, just as Miraz went to attack when he wasn't looking. Peter easily dodged Miraz's feeble attempt, putting him back in his place—knees on the ground.

   Peter looked as Caspian, eyes meeting. He wanted to give the sword to Caspian. Caspian slowly walked up to him and met him halfway, standing before Miraz, whose lips moved to mutter a few words that Astoria couldn't make out. And he jammed down the sword, causing Astoria to look away. She opened her eyes slowly after a few seconds and saw that the sword was plunged into the ground beside Miraz.

   Caspian didn't want to kill him either, and it made Astoria proud at Caspian's nobleness. Astoria, despite wanting to see the false king suffer for everything he'd done to the Narnians, was proud of Caspian for his noble choice.

   But then, everything went to hell when one of Miraz's men stabbed an arrow into his chest, and blamed it on them.

   Susan's arrow.

   How'd they manage to snag one of her arrows?

   "Treachery!" He accused. "They shot him! They murdered our king!"

   Suddenly dozens of heavy rocks shot out from those big wooden machines they had, creating large holes into the ground, and knocking several people over.

   A battle broke out. People started charging and dueling. Everyone was fighting left right and center.

   Astoria was dueling a Telmarine soldier, when her weapons were knocked out of her hands. She was unarmed and injured, too weak to fight the soldier by hand.

   He then stabbed her in the side of her stomach and ran off to duel another person. Astoria ran to a tree. Breathing heavily, she rested her back against the bark, slowly sliding down it.

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