chapter 1

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The warm bright sunny days of  summer vacation were coming to a close as the clock ticked closer and closer to the first day of grade 11 for Sherwin.
It was around 12:00am and Sherwin who should have been asleep was wide awake and dreading the moment he would have to leave his bed and go to the one place he hated more then anything. It's not because he didn't enjoy learning because he did, he was fascinated with the different classes and their theories, no he hated school because of Tony Bodner a football jock who unfortunately enough had heard about Sherwin being gay. It was mid summer when the news of Sherwin's sexual orientation had reached nearly half the school population, all thanks to his very enthusiastic, outgoing friend... Gabby. As soon as Sherwin had said the words "I'm gay" she was all over the place with excitement... including social media, so it didn't take long for Tony to catch hold of this news.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

And there it was 7:30am with its screeching  sound of the alarm clock. Sherwin kicked off his sheets and put on his school uniform, a navy blue sweater that was to big for his small waist and some black dress pants these were the perfect size. He never really did his hair, There was no point, the bright orange flames would flare everywhere no matter what he did. So, he grabbed his art book and stuffed it into his bag, before tumbling (literally) down the stairs.

It only took Sherwin  about twenty minutes to arrive at the bus stop each day where he would meet up with Gabby, who would share the latest gossip or news with him, he hardly ever paid attention to this but it made Gabby happy and so Sherwin would pretend to be interested.

"Hey, Sher!!" Shouted Gabby as she ran up to meet the pale freckle faced boy. "How's my favorite gay!?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" Sherwin was always told to be polite even when it came to his best friend, his mother was very stern on that.

"Fantastic!! Ok...ok.. have you heard!! There is going to be a new boy at our school today!! And apparently from what I've heard he's very wealthy and ... Cute!! Maybe I will finally have a chance! I just have to stay calm and look cute."

Sherwin had very little time to process what was being said to him, she always talked so fast when she was excited, and sometimes it would throw Sherwin off. He often wondered if she had been raised by cheetahs. so he simple replied,"Gabby, you're always looking cute. And if he's stupid enough to not see that then he's blind."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do."

             --------- at school---------

The bus came to a hurtling stop throwing Sherwin's bag across the bus. he found it, and half stepping half falling out of the bus he saw Gabby waving bye to him before hurrying off to find no doubt this new boy she had heard so much about.

Once inside Sherwin found his locker and put his bag in it, his first class was  math. He grabbed his blue notebook and pink pencil case and was about to set off to find his class when Tony walked up behind him with his gang. They all looked like pigs, fat and pimpled face not to mention they weren't that smart either, Tony on the other hand was tall and full of muscles he could easily knock you out cold with just a finger.

"Hey!! Shaggy doo, how's your fag life coming along! Ha! I'm surprised you showed today! Just wanted to stop by and tell you to not come near my friend... You know the new kid he doesn't need to be around people like you!" He spat at the small red head on the last word.

"Sure whatever, any friend of yours must be just as stupid and ugly as you, Toe-nail."

At this Tony shoved Sherwin into the locker, got about an inch away from his face, and held him there like a spider does to it's prey before it kills it.

"Don't Fucking call me that faggot or I'll make you wish you never stepped foot out of your front door today!!"

He pulled himself off of his prey and motioned for his minions to follow him. Sherwin could hear them sniggering and calling him names as they disappeared around a corner.

Sherwin stood up straight and fixed his shirt, picked up his books and began to walk to math class as if nothing had if he was use to it and didn't if it was fine.

Hello people (who probably aren't reading this)!!! I hope to try and up date once a week probably on Sundays!! I hope you enjoyed!!....wait who I'm I even talking to right now myself!?  Is anyone out there?? Ok sorry lol byeeee!😁👍

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