Chapter 4

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"I don't give a crap Tony! I'm going out with Sherwin! So you can just stuff it!!" It was 3:20 and  Jonathan's voice was annoyed he had been arguing with Tony for the past ten minutes, trying to pack his bag so that he wouldn't be late to meet Sherwin but at this point he was going to be late.

"You know I thought you were different... You know normal!!"

"I don't understand why this isn't normal to you!! Why does it matter if I like guys!! I don't give a shit that you like girls!"

"Whatever dude, just know that we ain't friends anymore... And you know your old man ain't gonna like this so good fucking luck!! Because I tried to save you!"

"Save me!? Yeah ok Jesus!" Jonathan made quatation marks with his fingers as he said "Jesus".

Tony rolled his arrogant eyes and stormed away down the hall shoving a few freshmen on his way to football practice.

Jonathan slammed his locker shut, took a deep breath, and began to walk to where he would find his blooming rose.

Sherwin was at his locker, anxiously waiting for Jonathan to arrive. He looked down at his phone, the screen read 3:40 he was about to leave thinking he had just been stood up and Tony must have teamed up with Jonathan to make fun of him further, when Jonathan came jogging down the hall stopping just next to the ginger. Sherwin looked and felt so small standing next to Jonathan, he didn't have any muscles and was almost a head shorter then him but it felt right to him.

"I'm so sorry I'm late I had... Something to take care of." Jonathan blurted out.

Sherwin gave a small smile "that's alright."

"Should we get going then?"

"Yeah I'm ready."

They made their way out of the school and began to walk down the front path now covered in bright orange and red leaves making it seem like the world was on fire. Once they arrived at the gate they took a left onto Mistletoe Lane and continued their journey. Jonathan looked down at the smaller boy and noticed that he was walking with his head hung low as if a string was pulling him down to earth and out of the clouds. Without thinking Jonathan intertwined his hand with Sherwin's. The ginger gave a small jump and looked up at the raven haired boy in amazement.

"You don't mind do you?" Jonathan asked when he felt the smaller boy jump.

"Not at all" Sherwin replied, his face becoming as red as his hair.

They made their way down a street that had many small shops from book stores to craft stores each building looked like it was from a fairy tail. Jonathan showed Sherwin into a small bricked shop. The inside was painted a lavender colour , fairy lights were strung up on the walls, and a small fireplace was opposite of the table they sat at. A small elderly lady came to take their order.

"What can I get you two cuties today?"

"I'll have a coffee and a scone." Answered Jonathan casually.

"Ummmm I'll have a lavender tea and a shortcake please." Sherwin said shyly. Jonathan gave him a smile which he returned timidly.

"Of course dears it'll be just a minute" the old lady went behind the counter and began to make their orders.

They got their drinks and biscuits after about ten minutes, Jonathan couldn't help but smile when he saw Sherwin drinking his tea and stuffing the shortcake in his mouth, Jonathan gave a little chuckle. He reached across the table and held Sherwin's hand again. Sherwin looked up and smiled.

"Do you maybe think you could...  I don't know show me how to draw something..." Jonathan was watching Sherwin and waited for his reaction.

"Yeah sure... But not here I have another place.... If you know... that's ok?"

"Of course it's ok let's go!" Jonathan paid for their food and off they went hand in hand.

Sherwin led Jonathan this time. The sun was starting to go down as they made their way closer to their destination.... The waterfront. The water glimmered in the orange hues of the setting sun giving off a warm glow, there was a slight breeze that was just strong enough for them to hear the music that the rustling fall leaves played for them. Sherwin guided Jonathan to a small willow tree a few meter's from the water, there they sat and Sherwin gathered all his drawing supplies from his bag and set it out around them.

He showed Jonathan a few simple pencil techniques and how to blend those together. On one side of the page there was a beautiful sketch of the water before them, on the other side the water looked more like a blub of grey's smudged together in a unappealing manner.

"Yours looks so much better then mine!" Jonathan chuckled as his dark eyes looked at each drawing. "It's so beautiful... Like you."

Sherwin's face went very red at this. "No, no, yours is good for your first time!! ... And umm thanks."

The sky was now fading from a navy blue to a dark grey as night began to take over the sky.

"It's getting pretty late..." Said Jonathan as he looked up at the sky a thoughtful expression appearing on his face. "Would you maybe.... Wanna... spend the night at my house?"

"Oh! Yeah sure.... I'd like that" Sherwin and Jonathan locked eyes for a moment, then began to clean up their mess. Before heading back down the road onto Mistletoe Lane, until they came up to a very wealthy  neighborhood, walking together hands interwoven with each others.

Hey people!! I hoped you enjoyed that!!✌️😘 Thank you so much for reading up to this point I honestly thought that no one would read it but you proved me wrong 😂... Anyway have a good day//night love you all❤️❤️❤️

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