chapter 2

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The bell had rang just as Sherwin had come running into class out of breath, all thanks to Tony and his gang.

"Your late!" Came the sound of Ms. Smith's voice like finger nails on a chalkboard.

"S-sorry I l-lost track of the t-time." Sherwin stuttered, his stutter made him feel like a wimp sometimes.

"That's what they all say! Don't let it happen again!"

"I won't ma'am"

Sherwin turned on his heal to find a seat and that's when he saw him.  Dark hair jelled back perfectly, the navy blue uniform popped off of his olive skin beautifully, and his eyes where a dark colour not in a way of where they pierced through you judging every movement you made, but rather in a calm, understanding way. The raven haired boy looked up from his text book, him and Sherwin locked eyes for a moment before Ms. Smith's piercing voice rang in the air startling Sherwin, "Sherwin! Find a seat! You've wasted enough class time already!"

Pulling his gaze away from the other boy Sherwin found a seat in a far corner near a window. He began to take notes but couldn't help stealing a glance at the mystery boy every few minutes.

The bell rang for lunch, and the class packed up to leave, Sherwin couldn't help looking at the boy one more time. When Sherwin looked up his jaw hit the ground.  He had to be at least six foot and he looked like he was in very good shape you could just make out the toned muscles from under his uniform. The angle eyed boy looked up at Sherwin gave a small chuckle and then smirked at him before leaving the class to meet his friends for lunch, The ginger's face now matched his hair and he to left for lunch.

Sherwin usually sat alone at lunch because Gabby would go off and talk to everyone she knew, it's not that she wouldn't invite Sherwin to go with her because she did everyday. But sherwin would shake his head at the idea. He wasn't a social butterfly like Gabby and would much rather sit emerged in his thoughts and draw. He took out his sketch book and began to draw the brown eyed boy with great care. He made sure to include all the details with each pencil strock and shade in the proper areas.

"Hey! What you got there twink!!" Tony's venomous voice creeped up behind Sherwin.  "Oh! I see you drawing in your little book... What a sissy!"

Sherwin turned around to see a group of people standing there watching him and Tony. The ginger felt a pinch of pain as he noticed his crush standing there with Tony. He quickly grabbed his sketch and tried to shove it back into his bag, but failed as it was yanked out if his grasp by Tony.

"H--hahahah" his laughter grew louder and more menacing "looks like the little gay boys got a crush for Jonathan!" He held the book up so that everyone could see then tossed it around the circle until it ended up in Jonathan's hands, who stood there looking from the image before him to the small boy who had drawn it.

"I told you to fucking stay away from him! He wants nothing to do with you!! And now you're going and drawing him! you pervert! You discussed me and everyone else in this school!"

He began to cry, out of all of his options he had to go for the waterfalls, great. Sherwin jumped out of his seat grabbed his bag and ran out of the crowded cafeteria, forgetting his Sketch in the hands of a very dumfounded, curious boy.

He ran down the hall and out the nearest exit which lead to the front of the school, he stopped when he got to the Willow tree just to the left of the school gates. With tears still running out of his ocean eyes and down his face, the ruby haired boy whipped his school bag at the trunk of the Willow and sat down, leaning his head against the trunk and wept.

Once again we reach the end of a chapter! Hope you enjoyed! This chapter actually took me a shorter time to write then I anticipated.
Hope you're having a good day/night!! Cya✌️😘

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