chapter 5

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The street lamps flickered on as the two boys came up to a huge house with two very expenssive cars in the driveway. Sherwin could see the anxiety in Jonathan's eyes, it's a look he knew all to well. The ginger gave the taller boy a weak smile before letting go of his hand.

"They don't they?" Sherwin's voice shook.

Jonathan returned the weak smile and nodded. He had planned to tell his parents he was gay but he knew that if he did he would be kicked out, how could he have been this stupid, he had dragged Sherwin into a mess that he didn't deserve to be caught up in.

"It's ok you know... I don't have to stay if you don't want me to." Sherwin's voice dropped to a whisper.

"No I want you to stay. It's just we'll have to be careful. Plus I've gotten use to having you by my side." He gave the smaller boy a playful nudge then opened the front door to his house.

The lobby to the house was painted white with a golden trim, it had a cute velvet couch with silk pillows, and a family portrait hung on the the opposite side of were they stood.

"Jonathan! Is that you!" Came the distant voice of his father from the room over.

"Yeah dad it's me!" Jonathan called back "you don't mind if my friend stays the night do you!?"

There came a rustling noise from the room his father was in. Sherwin could see were Jonathan got his looks from. In the doorway stood a tall muscular man with dark hair and a beard, he wore a muscle shirt and sweatpants, he couldn't have been older then 30. "Ah my boy! who is this young fellow! Of course he can spend the night!" His voice boomed and echoed off the walls.

"This is Sherwin dad." He motioned towards the ginger, when he saw the wide eyes of intimidation on Sherwin's face he gave him a reassuring smile.

"H-hi sir." Sherwin stuttered.

"Hello young man, you should really speak with more confidence and stand up straight!"

"Oh right sorry sir" Sherwin straightened himself up.

"Dad!!" Jonathan was starting to blush now "don't be like that"

He gave his son an odd look when he noticed the red hue growing on his face. "Be like what! You know what's proper and what's not! Now I'm sure you two have homework to attend to! Off you go!"

They headed up the stairs and down the hall towards Jonathan's room. His walls were also painted white but instead of a gold trim he had a blue one, his bed was in the far corner of the room with a flat screen tv above it, a huge book shelf was on the left, and on the right a dresser which was home to all of Jonathan's sport trophies.

Jonathan jumped on to the bed and motioned for Sherwin to do the same. Once they were both comfortable Jonathan put on a movie for them to watch.

Sherwin let out a yawn about 30 minutes into the movie, causing Jonathan to chuckle, Sherwin loved it when Jonathan chuckled it was so cute. He allowed himself to cuddle closer to Jonathan who in return put his arm around the ginger embracing him into a tight hug. They lay there like that for a few hours enjoying each other's presence.

Jonathan adjusted his position so that he could see Sherwin's face who was fast asleep in his arms, he leaned in closer and kissed Sherwin on the forehead, "I love you, Sher bear"

As he closed his eyes, there came a sudden bang from down stairs which caused him to open his eyes once again and bolt up right causing the small boy in his arms to stir, there in the doorway stood his father breathing heavily, red-faced with anger.

Hey guys!! This chapter is a bit short but I hoped you enjoyed it!! I can't believe this story almost has 30 reads!! Honestly, I didn't even think it would get one so thank you so much!!! I love you all ❤️❤️ and hope you're having a good day//night!! Cya!✌️😅

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