Chapter 3

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The faint sound of footsteps in the newly fallen leaves of September could be heard making their way towards the Willow tree in which sat a very downhearted boy who's face, still stained with the tears he had shed now glistened in the afternoon sun.

A pair of legs took their position next to Sherwin. Expecting to see Gabby Sherwin looked up at his company. Quickly looking away and wiping his face of any remaining tears when he saw who it really was. There next to him stood Jonathan with his dark eyes looking down at Sherwin with concern and understanding, a slight smile on his face in hopes to encourage the smaller boy before him, and tucked under one arm a leather bond book, inside the drawing that had caused this whole headache.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" The taller boy made a motion to a spot next to Sherwin.
Sherwin made a small nod with his head that was now tucked into his knees, hiding away any facial expression from Jonathan. Jonathan sat down next to the ginger and placed the book on his lap.

"It really is a nice drawing. You're quite talented." Jonathan's voice sounded sweet and reassuring. He waited a moment to see if the the artist would say anything and when he didn't jonathan continued.
"Your name's Sherwin right? That's a neat name"

Sherwin lifted his head from his knees and spoke in such a small voice that jonathan had to lean in a bit closer to hear him.
"Y-yep...that's m-m-me."

"You know Sherwin, you shouldn't listen to those ass wholes, they don't know what their talking about!"

Sherwin open his mouth to say something but then closed it again shutting away his words. Jonathan had noticed this and continued.

"When Tony said t--....that I didn't want anything to do with you... Well... H-he was wrong." Jonathan stuttered which he never did and Sherwin looked up to meet his dark eyes with his own ocean ones.
"When you came into math class today... I thought you were c-c-cute, and honestly that scared me because I've never felt that way before.... especially towards a guy."
Jonathan stopped for a moment searching Sherwin's eyes for something but even he didn't know what, before continuing.
"At the end of class I saw you watching me and I didn't know how to react so I just went with my instinct. Then at lunch.... Well you know what happened... Here's your sketch book back." He picked up the book like it was made of glass and would shatter if touched to roughly and handed it back to Sherwin, then stood up to leave.
"Please don't go." Came Sherwin's voice smaller and not as confident as the other boy's.
Jonathan gave Sherwin the same smirk he had in math class and sat back down next to him.

"S--so your not w-werided out or dis--disgusted by me?" Sherwin's voice shook as he spoke to Jonathan.

"Of coarse not.... because I think I'm the same as you"

"And y-you don't think I'm a c-creep for"

"No! I think it's a wonderful drawing. I've always been interested in the arts but I'm not allowed to take any art classes... So I just read and write. You're very talented."

Sherwin blushed and hide his face again, he didn't need to be more embarrassed then he already was. Jonathan gave a small chuckle and continued.
"Sherwin... Do you think that you would maybe... I don't know wanna... Hang out after school? I know this really cozy café that I think you would like."

Sherwin looked up. Jonathan looked so beautiful with the afternoon sun shining on his olive skin and his dark eyes reflecting the light made Sherwin think of a warm fire on a cold Winter's night, the kind that made you feel loved and safe. He stared at Jonathan for a moment a surprised look now taking the place of the sad one.

"S-sure Jonathan" saying Jonathan's name felt so natural to Sherwin and came so easy. "I'd like that."

"It's a date then! I'll meet you at your locker at 3:30! Then we can walk to the café it's not that far!" Jonathan stood up and began to walk back towards the school. His footsteps could be heard on the leaves, fading away as he got closer to the building.

Leaving Sherwin to stare after him a slight redness creeping up his cheeks. He grabbed his bag and began walking back to the building he hated the most and thinking maybe it's not that bad after all.

I hope you enjoyed it!! I'm going to try and make the next chapter really cute!! Vote and comment if you liked it don't feel like you have to tho!! Have a great day//night✌️😘

In a Heartbeat ❤️🌈 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now