Chapter 8

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A few days had past since Jonathan had began to stay at Sherwin's. It was a small apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. There were many pictures of Sherwin hung on the walls and placed on the mantle, Jonathan's favorite was the one where Sherwin was attempting to eat a cookie but instead ended up smudging it all over his face, he was about two in the photo. It was really a nice cozy place that felt like a home not like where he had grown up. That house had and still felt artificial in a way.

It was an early Sunday morning, frost had formed on the windows that night creating a kaleidoscopic pattern of ice crystals in the morning sun. Sherwin was bundled up in a fuzzy blanket next to Jonathan. He chuckled at the sight of him, his messy ruby hair poking out the top. He leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead before tugging off his own blanket, which was more difficult now due to his wrist still in a cast. Then made his way to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror his bruises were beginning to heal but we're still visible on his skin. He gave a slight shiver and went about his business.

The smell of coffee being brewed enveloped the small apartment. He made his way to the kitchen were he found Sherwin's mother. She was wearing her hair down today the red ringlets reaching just above her lower back, she had on black leggings and a rainbow cardigan. She was busy flipping pancakes and had a mountain of dishes in the sink. Jonathan walked over to the sink and began to wash the dishes with his good hand.

"Good morning dear! I do hope you're feeling better today! You don't have to do those dishes honey I'll get to them." Ms. Smith turned around to face Jonathan and smiled "is Sherwin still a sleep?"

"Morning! Yeah he's still a little blanket burrito!" Jonathan smiled back "I don't mind doing the dishes... It's the least I could do." He returned his attention to the pile of dishes Scrubbing and rinsing. Ms. Smith kept her green eyes on the boy for a moment a look of compassion sat within them. She noticed Jonathan beginning to tremble.

"Dear are you alright? Come have a seat at the table." She gently took hold of Jonathan's shoulder and guided him to the table. She sat him down and took a seat next to him. Jonathan looked away for a moment, his brown eyes were glazed over with tears.

"I-its my d-d-dad." He forced out the words so suddenly even he was surprised. "Last night h-he texted m-me he said t-th-that he...." Jonathan paused for a moment tears beginning to stream down his face he tried to steady his voice with a deep breath before continuing. "That he... Was going to.... Well... That he was going to find a way to cure me of my illness and until he figured out a way or I came back to my senses that he was going to disown me...." The rest of Jonathan's gasps for breath in between tears were muffled. Ms. Smith had pulled him into a tight hug. Jonathan's face rested on her breasts, tears still streaming down his face. The scent of her rose perfume enveloping him.

"Oh honey.... Shhhh...." She rubbed his back and rocked back and forth trying to sooth the boy in her arms. "You don't have any illness and you don't need to be cured! You are perfect the way you are... Don't ever forget that." She continued to hold Jonathan close to her gently stroking his hair in a comforting manner.

"Your father is the only one who needs saving.... He's being a huge ass whole! Oh dear excuses my language... He's the one missing out on your life and he may not know it now but one day he will regret it mark my words!"

Jonathan withdrew from her grip, meeting her eyes with his, now red from the tears. He gave a small smile "t-thank y-you... For everything" he said his voice still shaking a little.

"Don't mention it dear I'm only doing what any mother would!"

She pulled Jonathan into another hug this one stronger then the last. For such a small lady she was surprisingly strong. He hugged her back. When she released him he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.

She went back to her position at the stove flipping pancakes. Jonathan sat for a bit longer, before going back to the dishes. After a few minutes the pancakes were plated and the dishes cleaned.

Sherwin had appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, wrapped in his blanket a tired expression on his face. "Good morning!" He yawned. Jonathan walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "Morning Sher bear! Hope you slept well"

"Good morning honey" Ms. Smith said as she set the table.

The three of them sat at the table eating their breakfast. Not knowing what to say to each other. Each in their own thoughts. Jonathan never knowing that Sherwin had heard his conversation with Ms. Smith from the bedroom.

Hey people!!! Hope you enjoyed. It's literally Snowing like crazy right now!! I'll try to update soon, I have exams coming up so it might be delayed a bit. Anyway hope you're having a great day//night! Love you all❤️❤️

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