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After you all disperse from your little meeting and lecture from you, Benny walks up to Smalls and tells him to take left center.

"Okay..." Smalls looks around. "Where exactly is that?"

This is going to be a lot harder than it seemed.


"Wow," you hear Smalls breathe as he watched the boys throw around the ball.

"Hey, Smalls! Throw it to second!" Benny calls, and hits the ball towards the boy. It goes flying, and everyone watches.

"He's not gonna catch it, Benny,"

And they were right. It flew straight over his head, and he falls on his butt again.

"I told you, Benny. We told you," Ham says dejectedly.

"Guys, this is his first day. Give him some space!" you yell. Smalls picks up his hat and runs towards the fence that keeps the Beast out of the sandlot.

"C'mon Benny, why'd you do that?" Kenny asks as he watches Smalls slowly walk towards the fence.

"He's a square, Benny. The kid's a square!" Squints takes his glasses off and watches Smalls. Wait- can he even see?

Smalls comes running back and starts to throw the ball, but decides to run it to Kenny instead.

Ham mumbles, "the hell's he doing?" Kenny looks over at Benny, amused, and smacks his gum. "I don't believe it."

Smalls keeps running, and finally brings the ball to Kenny, placing it in his glove.

"Here, sorry. Sorry," he apologizes, out of breath. You watch as Kenny looks from Smalls and back to the ball with a disgusted look on his face.

Benny decides to run out to Smalls as everyone watches. You take a few steps closer, too. "You can throw it, y'know."

Smalls takes off his hat. "No. I can't. I don't know how... Thanks for taking me here, but I better go." He starts to take off, but Benny stops him.

"Hey, hey. You think too much! I bet you get straight A's and shit, huh?" Benny smirks and taps Smalls' shoulder.

"No, I got a B once." Smalls states, matter-of-factly. You let out a laugh, and Smalls looks at you. "Actually, it was an A-. But it should've been a B!" Benny just laughs.

"Man, this is baseball. You gotta stop thinking! Just... have fun. I mean, if you were having fun you would've caught that ball." There was a pause. "You ever have a paper route?"

"I helped a guy once."

"Okay, well chuck it like you would throw a paper. When your arm gets here," Benny demonstrates, "just let go. Just let go, it's that easy."

"H-how do I catch it?"

"Just stand there and stick your glove out in the air. I'll take care of it," he runs back to the home plate, and grabs his bat.

"'Bout time, Benny. My clothes are goin' out of style!" Squints jokes.

"They already are, Squints."

"Shut up!"

Benny tells Smalls to throw to second, and maybe this time he was actually ready. Benny spits on the ball- gross- and hits it to Smalls.

"Please catch it, please catch it," Smalls repeats, and everyone waits as the ball gets closer and closer. Finally, it hits his glove. You cheer as Smalls checks to see if he actually got it.

Benny cheers, and Squints cleans his glasses before putting them back on to watch.

"Woohoo!" you whoop and jump in place.

"He's alright," Squints shrugs nonchalantly.

Smalls decides to actually throw, and it makes it to Bertram- who looks surprised. "Okay, let's play some ball!"


After that day's game ended, you, Ham, Benny, and Smalls all headed home since you lived a few houses from each other.

"I'll show you some tomorrow," Ham tells Smalls, who nods. "You did good!"

"Bye," Smalls responds.

Benny chuckles. "Later, Ham. 8 o'clock tomorrow," he starts heading home.

"8 o'clock, Benny?"

"Yeah, later Smalls."

"See you tomorrow," he replies, and you continue walking. Smalls suddenly stops, and calls back to Benny.

"Benny, wait! Your glove!" He yells.

Benny just shakes his head. "Keep it, man," he waves an ok and keeps walking.

Smalls pounds the glove and yells a "thanks!"

For a few seconds it was silent, until Benny comes running up again. You stop next to Smalls and wait.

"Bring... a tshirt and jeans tomorrow, okay? Oh- um, you got a fireplace?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Throw that hat in there, man." Benny flicks the bill. You roll your eyes, knowing Smalls wasn't gonna do it.

"Oh, yeah, well... y'know, it's the only one I had." Smalls takes it off and looks at it.

Benny pulls out a spare hat from his pocket and hands it to Smalls. "Not anymore. Wear my old hat. 8 o'clock tomorrow morning," Benny backs up, then turns and walks away. How many things can he carry in his pocket?

"Thanks, Benny!"

"Bye, Ben! See you tomorrow." You call, and continue walking to your house.

"Wait, Y/N?" Smalls asks, and you turn.


"Uh, thanks for standing up for me today. It's nice to know someone believes in me," he smiles sheepishly and you nod.

"No problem, Smalls. Do you prefer Scott, Scotty, Smalls? Something else?"

"Anything is fine. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning, right?"

You chuckle and pat his shoulder. "Definitely. Bye Smalls. Oh, don't throw that hat in the fireplace, just wear the new one. And don't be intimidated by the guys, they'll warm up to you."

" Okay, yeah, bye!"

You part ways and hear Smalls yelling to his mom about finding new friends as you head home. "Mom, I'm home!" you call, and she acknowledges you.

"How was today?" she asks, putting some picture frames back on the shelf.

"Good! We got a new kid- Scott Smalls, him and his family just moved in next door. We're trying to teach him baseball."

"Aw, how fun! Why don't we go over and say hi sometime this week, does that sound good?"

"Totally," you take a bite of your apple and head to your room.

a/n- 1k reads?!?! thank you so muchhh i love you guys!!

{mar. 11, 2021}

she's alright {benny rodriguez}Where stories live. Discover now