911 please

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Keaton POV

"Keaton... I- I I need you hurry please" Chloe was crying. "What's wrong" I asked as I started to panic. "My mom- she..... She" she stopped and sobbed. "Okay Chloe listen to me. Call 911 and me and the guys will be over as soon as possible" I told her. "O-okay" she stuttered and hung up. "Wes drew!!!!! Come here!!!" I screamed. "Bro what's up!!" Wes ran down the stairs followed by drew. "Chloe moms idk Chloe's crying we need to go" I panicked. Wes grabbed his keys and we all hopped into the car.


When I got there I saw paramedics lifting up Chloe's mom in a gurney and putting her into the ambulance. I looked around and saw Chloe standing on the porch sobbing with her hand covering her mouth.

I sprinted out of my car followed by the guys and ran to Chloe. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her. I kissed her forehead "everything is going to be okay!" I whispered. "She's gone" she cried. "You don't know that for sure, maybe she will be ok. Come on let's go ho-" she cut me off. "No I wanna go to the hospital and be with her!" She yelled. " Okay okay calm down Chloe we will go with you". I whispered kissing her cheek.

We drove to the hospital and went into the waiting room. Drew had to run home so it took him less then 5 mins to get here. When Chloe looked up and saw him she ran to him and he pulled her into a big hug. "Chloe I am so so so so sorry I didn't answer my phone. I was in the shower and I-I God damn im so sorry Chloe I feel awful." He cried. "Drew its okay it wasn't your fault" she mumbled pulling him closer. Chloe pulled away and walked over to keaton. Keaton was sitting down and he pulled her into his lap. She clung onto him. She was so exhausted she fell asleep in his arms, not gonna lie I was a little jealous. I wish I could be holding her in my arms. Chloe woke up and Keaton kissed her cheek lightly. "You gonna be okay?" He whispered. "I have no idea" she sighed. The door came open and the doctor walked out holding a clipboard. We all stood up. I took my arm and wrapped it around Chloe's shoulder.

"So? My mom is she gonna be okay?" She asked. " Ms. Rivera your mother clearly overdosed on medication. Im very sorry for your loss." She said before walking away. Chloe held her hand over her mouth, eyes wide. She crumbled to the floor. "No!! This wasn't supposed to happen! No not now not this soon!" She sobbed. I kneeled down next to her and pulled her head into my chest and held her tightly in my arms. "No Wes! No she wasn't supposed to die now! Not so soon" she whispered. i carried her into the car and breezie was holding her in the back while she cried. Drew carried her upstairs and placed her in her bed. Drew and I were tired so we both kissed Chloe's cheek and went to bed.

Keaton POV

I wasn't tired yet so I went into my room and watched tv. I heard a slight knock on the door. Breezie opened the door. "Hey she's really upset. Can you go sleep in there and clam her down and I can stay in here please?" She asked. I nodded and got up.

I walked down the hall into breezie and Chloe's room. I opened the door a tiny bit and peered in. I saw Chloe curled up in a ball sobbing. I walked in and climbed into the bed next to her. She gasped and I said "shh clam down its just me- keaton" I whispered rubbing her shoulder. "K-Keaton?" She asked. "Yes it's me" I assured her. "Look sweetie I know your upset but you need some sleep, please try and get some sleep for me?" I asked softly. "Will you stay please?" She looked up at me. I pulled her closer and she laid her head on my chest and fell fast asleep.

~next morning~

I woke up and saw Chloe was still asleep in my arms. I slowly lifted my arm and placed a pillow where I laid. I quietly snuck out the door trying not to disturb her. I went into the kitchen downstairs and made Chloe's favorite breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes and eggs with bacon. I poured her a glass of milk and headed back upstairs to her room. She was awake and sitting in the window sill staring out the window. I lightly tapped on the door and her head spun towards me. She had tears running down her cheeks. I placed the food and milk on the desk and sat beside her. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I continued holding her hand tightly in my mine. "Talk to me please" I whispered. " I just- I can't broke she's gone Keaton. I have no one. She may not have been the best step mom but she promised she would change for me... Now she doesn't even get the chance to keep that promise. But now she just gone and I can't do anything about it." She sobbed crying into my shoulder.

I held her for s moment trying to calm her down. "Your not alone Chloe. Me Wes and drew are always gonna be here for you! On the bright side I made you your favorite breakfast" I said trying to cheer her up a little. "Im not hungry" she replied. "Chloe please you need to eat." I begged. "Im.not.hungry" she argued with me. "Well I'll leave it on the desk in case you change your mind beautiful" I kissed her cheek and walked out the door. Wes was walking out of the bathroom when he saw me, "what's wrong bro?" He asked.

"She won't eat dude I even woke up early a-and I-I I made her favorite breakfast" I replied. "I'll talk to her alright?" He sighed. "It's no use dude, she's not gonna listen to anyone" I argued. "Why don't you just go back to sleep okay? You need rest. Breezie went back to living with Brooke for a while." he said as I nodded my head and went to bed. I collapsed on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I wish I could take every ounce of pain she's feeling and make it disappear. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

Chloe POV

Keaton left and I looked at the food siting on the desk. I shook my head and stared out the window again. I heard a knock and Wesley was standing in the doorway leaning against the wall. "Can I come in?" He asked. I pressed my lips together and nodded and looked away from him. He sat on my bed and I could feel his eyes locked on me. "Keaton said you won't eat, why is that?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to talk. "Chloe please talk to me. Come on you can't shut us all out like this. it's not gonna help you in anyway, it's only gonna make things worse if you bottle everything up" he was saying as he walked up behind me. I didn't look at him. He sat in front of me and stroked my cheek.

"I just don't see the point in talking, eating, living, my life is so fucked up. What's the point! I have no family. She was the only person that I actually loved. She's all I had left. Yes she didn't pay much attention to me but when she did she actually cared about me" I cried. "That's not true!!" Wes shouted. "What!?!" I asked. "Chloe you know damn friggin well that isn't true! We consider you family... No let me correct myself you ARE family! We all love you very much, you may not realize it but we care more about your feelings then our own. Please I understand this is hard I really do but you can't just give up on us. Your step mom wouldn't want you to give up on life like this and you know that." He sobbed.

I didn't want to admit it but I knew e was right. "How do you know?" I snapped because I was frustrated. Wes jumped back a little at how fierce my voice tone was. " I know because you even told us she was trying to change. She wouldn't want you to change your life now because she's gone. She wouldn't want you to live like this. She wouldn't want you to make the same mistakes she did. She would want you to move on with your life!" He said before kissing the back of my head and walking out. They my don't understand what I'm going through they don't know how incredibly painful it is for me. If they knew they would understand but they don't... No one does.

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