family issues

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Artemis was sitting in her room when she heard her mother and brother having a screaming contest, when she heard the words -mudblood -halfbreed -blood traitor, she immediately ran downstairs, she knew that whenever her mother reached a point where she would insult Sirius's friends he would burst out and her mother's reaction won't be a good one either.

Regulus also on the cue ran downstairs, Artemis saw her mother draw her wand out towards him, she knew nothing better than to come in between them, it was the breaking point Walburga aimed cruciatus curse towards Sirius, and it immediately hit Artemis square in the chest as she collapsed writhing in pain, regulus rushed to his sister's side, and helped her up, with tears in her eyes Walburga realized what she had just done, regulus was trying to maintain a brave face but rouge tears slipped from his eyes, Sirius was so in shock he stood paralyzed for half a minute, when he came back to his senses, he pulled Artemis together and collected her in his arms and placed her on the couch in the hallway.

Orion rushed to the scene, he loved his daughter even the things weren't always good between Walburga and the twins he often sided with his precious doll, he couldn't bear the sight of Artemis like this and gave her a potion for pain From his stick, he looked at Walburga with utter disappointment much to Regulus and Sirius's Walburga seemed upset and left the room.

Regulus was angry at Sirius as he was ready to leave them all behind, he was ready to leave arty behind who put herself in front of him and faced the cruciatus curse. Artemis came to her senses and realized what had happened, Sirius at this point had enough of the great and noble house of black, " Arty let's get out of here, you are coming with me, and we are never setting foot in this house more like a haunted elf show valley ever again !" Artemis sighed heavily " Sirius, I can't you know that I can't, and if you go now, the mother will disown you without a second thought, and what about Reggie, we can't leave him he needs us ", Sirius paced anxiously tears spilling from his eyes
" No arty i-i just saw you take that curse, she's not our mother she's a monster, how can she curse her children, as for Reggie he can handle himself " Artemis gave him a small sad smile " I understand you, Siri-"

regulus was still beside Artemis when this situation unfolded, he didn't glance once at Sirius, his focus was on Artemis
He cleared his throat " I'm sorry to try this happened to you, Sirius doesn't leave it's your house too, that's all any of us can say,  if you want to leave after what happened just now I don't blame you, but I promise if arty chooses to stay, anything even near to this will never occur " regulus looked down in his lap holding back tears

Sirius hugged both his siblings " I'm sorry guys, but I have to, I just can't take it " reg and arty smiled and saw him leave.

That night Artemis was trying to fall asleep in her PJs, but couldn't stop the thoughts that plagued her mind, he was a reoccurring event in her dreams like some rhyming scheme in cheesy poetry, she felt his constant presence even though he was miles away from her.

Soon she felt a presence at her bedside she heard sobs, he recognized the voice of her mother, " i-i am sorry my sweet child, I didn't want to hurt you, I never thought what I was doing I was and I am angry at your brother for leaving us, I didn't mean to hurt him either, I'm so sorry " she composed herself. " I hope you'll both forgive me someday " she walked out of Artemis's room.
Artemis after a few minutes made her way to her little brother's room, only to find him studying

" Reg it's 12 30 why are you studying, the year is going to start in a week, Salazar" she walked and snatched the book " go to sleep Reggie " regulus had an annoyed look " arty I can't sleep " Artemis rolled her eyes  and slid beside her brother "I can't either-" she looked at him " want to go at the roof " Regulus smiled at his sister and the brother-sister duo went to the rooftop

" Sooo Eloise rosier, she seems nice, are you happy with mother and dad's choice ?"
Regulus fell into deep thought " she seems lovely, interesting, beautiful " a blush crept his face as his sister giggled " you know they are going to set you up too soon, you have dodged it till now, but I have been bethrowed now it's your turn "
" Uhh, the inevitable ..."

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