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Those who wander in the night

Alexzander  Nott

Alexzander  Nott

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Soon Regulus entered the hospital wing, he seemed worried, he came straight for Artemis and hugged her, "I'm so sorry Arty, how are you feeling"

Artemis smiled little brother, " I'm okay Reggie, don't worry"

"This shouldn't have happened arty, god why can't I do anything, you always protect me, you always have, hell you would have left if weren't for me"

Artemis looked at her brother and spoke firmly 

"I love you more than anyone Reg, nobody can ever be more important, so don't say stuff like this, you don't owe me anything, you Reggie are worth everything to me, never forget that" 

Regulus smiled sadly at his sister "I love you too Arty" she tousled his hair 

Regulus smiled sadly at his sister "I love you too Arty" she tousled his hair 

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September and October went great for Artemis, despite the Lockhart debacle, he was suspended from the school, and James, Sirius, and Peter were continuously apologizing because they thought they were the motive, everything now came back to normal.

Cassandra received a letter from her parents saying that she was getting engaged to Alexzander Nott, she didn't protest much, Of course, the Nott is a bit peculiar and reserved more than other families, but Alexzander is a decent guy, but a prominent follower of the dark lord. 

This was a topic Artemis tip-toed around when talking with Rabastan, it was inevitable that one day he'll bear the dark mark, he was raised being told that it was his legacy, his duty as a Lestrange, both Artemis and Rabastan thought it was best to keep that conversation on hold for as long as possible.

it was potions and Artemis went and sat down with her annoying partner he gave her a playful grin, 

" aww there's my favorite Gryffindor" Artemis gives him a fake smile 

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