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Mysterious and enchanting 

beyond ordinary understanding

The decoration was beautiful, rustic, and posh, but minimum at the same time, it was a church, and the reverend was there, it appeared like a wedding, but there were no guests, it was dark, who has a wedding at night? the reverend repeated his question, "

Artemis Carina Black, do you take... "

 The voice faded before she could hear his name, she glanced at her hands they were held by her supposed spouse, there was no familiarity but uncertainty, his hands were really pale and cold, a spellbound their hands together, she looked up to see who it was, but the scene faded, slowly, she only saw brown color eyes, not the tacky brown, but warm, like chocolate, the scene faded away and she jolted awake as if coming on the surface of water seconds after drowning 

 The voice faded before she could hear his name, she glanced at her hands they were held by her supposed spouse, there was no familiarity but uncertainty, his hands were really pale and cold, a spellbound their hands together, she looked up to see...

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Artemis loved snow, the hot chocolate on a cold day with layers of blankets, waking up early, and having a snow fight with Sirius and her friends, Today Artemis woke up early on one of the first snow days of the year not to play, but to get ready for her date with her... well future husband 

she took out an outfit that'll keep her warm,  and headed downstairs.

she saw James walking nervously, so she placed her hand on his shoulder and turned him around so he was facing her 

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she saw James walking nervously, so she placed her hand on his shoulder and turned him around so he was facing her 

"Prongs, what's wrong?" He jumped a little out of shock 

" Arty, Lilly agreed to go with me, this is my do or die moment, What if I fuck it all up " Artemis placed both her hands on his shoulders

"Just don't be yourself, be normal, sweet, and genuine, you know like snevillus" she tried to hide her laughter as James groaned "I'm just teasing you, she likes you, James, just be decent"

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