History Part-2

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It was the weekend and the first visit to Hogsmeade, Artemis looked through her closet for an appropriate outfit. she chose something cute and decent well, she was going with Remus so she put a tiny bit more effort into herself than normally she does 

 she chose something cute and decent well, she was going with Remus so she put a tiny bit more effort into herself than normally she does 

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She went down to the common room to find Remus waiting for her, he looked flustered when he saw her " you look stunning Arty" she smiled at him you " you look cute too" 

the pair made their way towards honeydukes the first thing and bought a lot of chocolates and sweets, the next thing they did was go to the shabby bookstore there they planned to get each other books that they think the other person will enjoy, Remus bought Romeo and Juliet he was sure that she had never read that classic and in his opinion, it was a crime to skip on it, Artemis chose pride and prejudice she read it once a while ago when Andromeda gifted it to her secretly. 

the last stop was Three broomsticks, they ordered butterbeer, and Remus had foam on his face, this clumsy act was hilarious to Artemis, she was laughing and removed it from his face, Remus laughed shyly, and Artemis dialed the laughter down as she looked him the eyes, he fingers were still on the side of his face, he started leaning towards her when Sirius interrupted the pair and they pulled apart. 

Remus couldn't sleep that night thinking that they had almost kissed, just the idea of it made him so happy and nervous at the same time. 

time passed and nothing happened between the two romantically, once after a match Artemis and Sirius had collectively beaten Slytherin by a very tough and close margin, she came down to the ground and hugged Remus she was over the moon, this interaction was seen by Rabastan who saw the pair from above the ground flying on his broom, he thought they must be going out or something but didn't think much of it at the time.

One of the full moons was so bad for Remus that he didn't wake up for 2 days straight, those 2 days Artemis couldn't even eat and sleep properly madam Pomfrey tried everything and even dumbledore tried to console the four Gryffindors, Lyall and Hope visited their son and were so glad to meet his friends and the girl he never stopped talking about. 

nobody from the marauders including lily, Marlene, Alice, and Frank went home for Christmas in the fourth year, everybody decided to gather around and play truth and are while being drunk on firewhiskey. 

"I'll go first" james exclaimed " so Evans" " truth" "is there any chance you'll ever go out with me" lily blushed but soon covered it " no way Potter, no way in hell" " not even in let say 10 years" james pouted at her, she shook her head " 20" " nope " " am I that bad " he made puppy eyes at lily " nope, even worse" everybody laughed at them, " okay so Sirius" Lilly picked him "dare" give james a lap dance" and boy Artemis was shocked by her brothers talent of well.... twerking, Sirius picked peter, he was given a dare to kiss hottest girl in school he kissed a hufflepuff who slapped him and called him a pig, peter then picked atremis " dare " " kiss the most handsome guy in the whole school" everybody expected her to go to some other house, instead she turned towards Remus, she placed her lips on his, to him it felt like heaven on earth, he pulled her down to him, so she was sitting im his lap, her hands roamed around his hair making him moan a bit, she bit down his lips thats when Sirius started being Dramatic about teenage pregnancy's, 

that was the only time they kissed, Artemis adored Remus since the very first year, but her never reciprocated her feelings so she buried them deep within herself and forgot about being with him, she tried once, they were alone in the common room, both of them were sitting on the floor close to each other, Artemis couldn't help but notice how pretty his eyes were, they were the perfect color of chocolate with a hint of golden honey shade, Remus leaned in but before anything happened he backed off, this hurt Artemis and she thought that it was that he didn't like her in that manner little did she knew it was his furry little problem that came in between. 

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