A Boy Or A Girl

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*Two Weeks Later* 

Ezra and I were on our way to meet my Mom at the school, of course, I should already be there but my Mom told me to take the day off because today was a really important day for me and Ezra. Today is the day that we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. My Mom asked if she could come with us today because she only had a few classes to teach this morning. 

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I talked over the car radio.

"I honestly don't mind.

"That's your answer every time." I sighed.

"What do you want our baby to be?" Ezra returned my questioned.

"As long as our baby is healthy, I don't mind if it's a boy or girl." I answered.

Ezra looked over to me and flashed me a quick smile before he looked back to the road and parked the car in front of the school. We got out of the car then walked hand in hand into the school and through the halls of Rosewood High. We were a few minutes early so we stood outside the classroom and waited for the class to end. Ezra had his arms wrapped around me with his hands resting on my baby bump. Ezra kept placing kisses on my cheek and neck as we stood there silently waiting for the bell to ring. 

"Hurry up." I whispered under my breath as I looked at the nearest clock.

Just then, the bell rang to indicate that the class was over and the students started shoving past each other to get out of the classroom to get lunch. Some of them gave me and Ezra looks full of disgust but neither of us cared, instead when we received a look from someone we would turn our heads towards each other and let our lips meet. The students would turn their noses at me and Ezra as they saw us kissing but when we saw the looks on their faces afterwards we would just laugh a little.

"Knock it off, lovebirds." a familiar voice laughed from behind us.

We pulled away from our wholehearted kiss and turned around to see my Mom. We hadn't even notice that the halls had emptied and it was only us there.

"Hey, Mom." I sang as she embraced me in her arms.

"Hi, Mrs Mont-" Ezra started.

"Ella." my Mom corrected him.

"Hi, Ella.

Ever since my Mom had accepted Ezra and I's decision to keep our baby, Ezra has been calling her 'Mrs Montgomery' but she continues to correct him, telling him to call her 'Ella'.

"How are you three?" my Mom asked as we walked to Ezra's car.

"We're great." I answered as I placed a hand on my baby bump.

"Except you have been a little stressed lately." Ezra explained as he looked down at me.

"Being stresses isn't good for the baby. What are you stressed about?" my Mom asked.

"Nothing." I tried to reassure her as we all got into the car.

"Aria?" she questioned.

"Mom, honestly it's nothing.

She sighed and closed the car door then put her seat belt on. Ezra started to drive and I rested my head on his shoulder like I always did.

"Is it 'A'?" my Mom broke the silence from the backseat of the car.

My eyes widened and I lifted my head. I had no idea how she knew that 'A' was back, the only people who know are the girls, their boyfriends, Paige, me and Ezra. By the look on Ezra's face he was just as surprised as I am.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now