Cabin Of Love

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*The Cabin* 

The week after Jackie admitted to attacking me was really long. My Mom told me to take today off school since it was Friday and so Ezra and I could spend time at, what Ezra calls, our cabin. I was happy to oblige and we arrived here this afternoon. This place does bring back some bad memories from when I found the book Ezra was writing about Alison. The book made me wonder when Ezra realized that he loved me. When he realized that he wanted to be with me for me and not to get information for his book. 


"Yeah, babe?" he replied.

"When did you realize that you loved me?" I asked, quickly regretting it.

Ezra walked over to me and put his arms around my waist.

"When I realized that I could've lost you." he answered with a sad smile on his face.

"Lost me?

"When Noel Khan found out about us and he threatened to tell people." he answered.

His answer made me smile to myself. The first time I told Ezra that I loved him was after Noel found out about us. Of course, it still saddened me that the start of our relationship was based on a lie but I know that what we have now is real.

"The first time you told me you loved me.

"You remembered?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course I remembered, Aria." he answered.

I smiled at him then wholeheartedly kissed him. He kissed me back and before we knew it we were lying side by side on the bed after having sex for the second time since I got pregnant. the first was on our wedding night.

"Thank you." Ezra said.

"What for?" I asked.

"Everything. For forgiving me. For loving me. For marrying me. And for being the mother to my unborn child."

 "Thank you for giving me the opportunity for being the mother to your unborn child." I replied.

"You don't need to thank me for anything. After everything that happened with Malcolm, you're giving me a chance to be a father." Ezra said in admiration.

I kissed him again then got dressed. By 'got dressed' I mean 'put my underwear on then threw Ezra's shirt on', leaving him in his boxers and pants. I walked over to the freezer and took out the Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream I had brought up. I've been craving ice cream, chocolate and strawberries a lot lately, probably because of the pregnancy. I grabbed two spoons to share the ice cream with Ezra. He gladly ate some of the ice cream as we fed each other. 

"You're going to be an amazing father." I said after swallowing a spoon of ice cream.

"You're going to be a better mother.

"I am not." I replied. "I don't know the first thing about being a parent. At least you had some experience.

"I had some experience in bringing up a seven year old. I don't know the first thing about raising a baby. I don't know how to change a diaper or how to feed a baby."

"I'm scared that I won't be good enough." I said.

"I'm scared too, Aria. I guess we will just have to be the best we can be." Ezra answered.

I gave him a little smile and fed him another spoon of ice cream. After we had finished the ice cream we cuddled in the couch discussing baby names.

"How about Nadia if it's a girl?" Ezra asked.

"It's not rare. I like rare names." I replied.


"That's the name of Simba's daughter in The Lion King." I laughed.

"Yes, and she was a princess." he replied.

"So were Ariel, Aurora and Belle.

"Aurora Fitz. Has a nice ring to it." he stated.

"Okay put it in the list." I agreed.

We had already made a list  of boys names. We had Dante, Elijah, Leighton and Trystan. So far the only girl name was Aurora. We had chose some unisex names as well. For unisex we had written down Bailey, Charlie and Dakota. We had been choosing names for about two hours and I was beginning to get stressed.

 "You need to relax. Do you want me to make you a bubble bath?" Ezra asked me.

"Only if you'll join me.

"I'd be happy to." Ezra replied.

I flashed Ezra a quick smile then pecked his cheek. Ezra got up and went to the bathroom. I heard the bath water running and took some strawberries and chocolate out of the fringe. I melted the chocolate and dipped a strawberry into it. I bit into the chocolate covered strawberry and let out a moan as the two flavours collided in my mouth. 

"The bath is ready." Ezra called from the bathroom.

I took his shirt off there and lay it on the bed. I picked up the bowl of melted chocolate and strawberries then went into bathroom. Ezra had lit candles and the room smelled devine. Ezra was already in the bath so I took my underwear off and joined him. I dipped one of the strawberries into the still warm melted chocolate and fed it to Ezra. He massaged my shoulders then started kissing my neck. I let out a moan then turned around and kissed him passionately. 

"I love you. So much." I mumbled against his lips.

"I love you more." he mumbled against mine before he kissed me again.

I pulled away from the kiss and put another chocolate coated strawberry mouth.

"No you don't." I laughed as he chewed the strawberry.

We both got out of the bath and got dried off. I put clean underwear on then another one of Ezra's shirts.

"Aria!" Ezra called from the bedroom area of the cabin.

I walked over to him and he looked concerned.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked.

He nodded in direction of the bed and I saw it. A letter with one red rose lying across the bottom. I picked up the note and read it out loud. 

"Did you think I wouldn't find you in you cabin of love? You thought wrong love-birds. I'm always watching. Enjoy the rest of your peaceful weekend.
Kisses, -A"

"How did we not hear -A break in?" Ezra asked.

"Well, we were kind of... busy." I replied, emphasizing on the 'busy'.

Ezra pulled me into a hug to soothe me as he saw I was getting worried.

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath as I picked up the rose and snapped the stem.

Ezra laughed a little then kissed the top of my head. He says its 'cute' when I say curse words. I pulled the petals off of the rose one by one and dropped them to the floor.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now