Morning Sickness

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*The next day*

I woke up on the couch, Ezra's arms still wrapped around me. I rub my eyes and yawn. I look up at Ezra who is already awake.

"You're already awake?" I ask him.

"I barely slept." he said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"I was thinking." he replied.

"About what?" I questioned.

"About the baby. About our future." he explained.

"You're having second thoughts?" I ask.

"No. Of course not. I was thinking that we should move town. Rosewood is too dangerous for this baby." he said.

I looked at him and thought about the moving idea. Rosewood is only dangerous because of -A. The monster Ali created. 

"That is a good idea. Where would we go?" I ask Ezra.

"Anywhere away from Rosewood." he said.

"Maybe." I replied.

Ezra and I lay on his couch for a little while in silence. I was thinking about what Ezra said about getting out of Rosewood. Getting away from -A. Ten minutes had passed before I checked my phone for the time. It was quarter past seven in the morning. I had no new messages. That's a relief.

"Can I have a shower?" I ask Ezra.

"Yeah sure." he answered.

Ezra unwrapped his arms and I stood up and streached. I walked to the bathroom and put the shower on the highest heat. As I waited for the shower to heat up I brushed my teeth. I have a spare toothbrush and spare everything else here because I usually stay here on weekends but it looks like I'll be living here from now on. I spat the toothpaste out in the sink and checked the shower. It was hot enough so I got undressed and got in. I let the water run down my hair and back. I washed my hair then conditioned it. I got out the shower and realised I forgot a towel so I put Ezra's robe on. He didn't mind me wearing it because I've wore it before but it's a little too big for me. 

I left the bathroom and walked back to the living room. Ezra was in the kitchen area making breakfast. He didn't see me because he was facing the other way.

"What's all this?" I asked him.

He turned around and laughed at me in his robe. He always laughs because the sleeves are too long for my short arms.

"Blueberry pancakes." he replied. "You look amazing in that robe."

"Sounds great." I say. "I'm going to get dressed."

He nods at me and I walk over to the dresser. I open the drawer with my clothes and pick out a black skater skirt and a long sleeved white shirt with a black collar. I grab underwear then get dressed in the bathroom. Once I'm dressed Ezra has our breakfasts plated up so we sit on the couch and eat it. When we finished eating I checked the time on my phone. It was eight o'clock and I had a new message.

'You want to leave Rosewood? You know I'll find you, I always do. Don't waste your time.

Kisses -A'

I just stare at it for a couple of minutes then put my phone down. 

"Who texted you?" Ezra asked.

"It was my dad. Telling me not to come back." I lied. I didn't want to tell him that it was from -A because he seemed happy. 

"I'm sorry, Aria." he said as he stood up and took my empty plate to wash it.

"It's not your fault." I say. "I'm going to dry my hair so I'm not late for school.

I dried my hair in the mirror then put my makeup on. I picked up one of my bags that I had at Ezra's and put my phone in it. I walk to the front door and open it.

"I'm away to school." I say.

Before I could leave Ezra gently grabbed my arn and pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I replied. He let go of my arm and I walked down the hall and headed to school.

*At school*

I see Em and the other girls at her locker. I walk over to them.

"Hey." they chorus.

"Hi." I say.

"How are you?" Emily asks. 

"I'm good." I reply.

No one says anything for about five minutes.

"Okay, guys, I need to tell you something, before 'A' does." I say.

They all look at me concerned and I drag them into the closest empty classroom. I lock the door to make sure no one comes in and hears us talking. 

"Okay, what is it?" Hanna asked impatiently 

I look at Emily and sigh.

"I'm pregnant. And we've decided to keep the baby." I say.

Hanna just looks at me shocked.

"What? I thought you and Ezra weren't... you know?!" Spencer snapped.

"No, we're not. Remember when I told you that we slipped?" I explained.

"Oh my God, Aria! You didn't use protection?!" Spencer yelled.

"It just sort of happened Spencer! We weren't thinking!" I snap back at her.

She looks away and sighed.

"Why did you look at Emily before you told us?" Hanna asks, calmly.

"Because she already knew. She cought me buying the test." I explained.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you." Spencer said.

"It's okay." I reply. She pulls me into a hug.

"Team Sparia?" she asks.

"Team Sparia." I reply as I break the hug.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Hanna asks.

"Hanna, it's to early to know that yet." Spencer said.

"Oh right." Hanna said.

We all laugh. I start feeling weird and stop. I run to the bathroom and the others follow me. I open one of the stalls and throw up in the toilet. 

Morning sickness. I was not looking forward to this. 

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now