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Ezra and I have been living in our new house for just over a month now. The decorating was pretty much finished, the only room not decorated is the room that will belong to our baby. The room isn't decorated yet because we don't know know if our baby is a boy or a girl. We find out our baby's gender in two weeks. I'm already four months pregnant witch is crazy, the time has literally flown by. My baby bump was now at the size where it's not that big but people can still tell that I'm pregnant just by looking at me. My Dad still hasn't even attempted to accept the fact that I'm having Ezra's baby or the fact that I'm married to Ezra and to be honest I don't care what my Dad thinks, I love Ezra and I love our baby.

"That's looks disgusting." Ezra commented as I was munching a combination of chips with ice cream and chocolate coated carrot sticks.

"It's not. You should taste it." I replied, practically forcing my cravings in his mouth.

He took a bite of one of the chocolate coated carrot sticks then swallowed it.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be." he admitted.

"I told you. Now try the chips with the ice cream.

He sighed then took a chip and dipped it in the ice cream. Ezra put the chip in his mouth and began to chew it. His face immediately scrunched up in disgust and he practically ran to the kitchen and spat it out into the bin.

"That is disgusting." he said as he sat back down and quickly gulped a glass of water. 

I simply shrugged and put another ice cream covered chip in my mouth. Ezra stared at me blankly then started to laugh. 

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I just cant imagine how you can eat that.

"I put in in my mouth, chew then swallow." I sarcastically answered.

"Ha ha, very funny, smart-ass!

"I am a smart-ass, aren't I?" I laughed back.

Ezra laughed a little more then let out a sigh of happiness. A smile spread from ear to ear across his face as he looked at me. 

"What are you smiling at?" I questioned.



"Because out of all the younger guys you could've spent you life with, you chose to spend it with me.

"I chose you because I'm in love with you." I explained.

Ezra smiled at me with pure adoration in his eyes. I smiled back and he placed his open lips on mines and slowly let them shut. I slowly wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and happily kissed him back then smiled against his lips.

"You are the best thing that's ever been mine." Ezra whispered against my lips. 

 "I'll always be yours."

And with that comment Ezra started to kiss me again. I kissed him back lovingly then he pulled away and gently placed both of his hands on my baby bump. 

"Hey in there little one, it's your Dad and I don't want you feeling left out. I love you just as much as I love your Mom and I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. And you should know that your Mom and I have demons in our lives that might want to hurt you but I promise you that they won't. I won't let our demons become yours.  I won't let them hurt you in any way. I won't let anyone break your heart, I won't let anyone treat you badly. You're innocent. No one has a reason to hurt you. No one has a reason to punish you. You deserve to be happy and you will be. You will be happy, you will be safe and you will be loved. You will be loved, not only by your Mom and I but by everyone we know. Our friends. Our family. Us. We all love you." Ezra solemnly swore to our unborn child, both of his eyes locked on my belly. 

I was crying during his speech and the tears got heavier when Ezra lifted my pink maternity shirt and kissed the bump that is protecting our baby as he or she grows inside me. Ezra hadn't notice me crying until he looked back up at me. 

"Aria, why are you crying." he asked sympathetically as he wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"Ezra, you're making promises you don't know you can keep." I sniffled.

"Aria..." he trailed off.

"You can't promise that -A won't hurt our baby. Neither can I." I explained as I buried my head in my hands.

"Aria, look at me, please." Ezra begged me.

I looked back up at him with tears welling in my eyes.

"Aria, I know that. But what I can promise that I will do everything I can to protect our baby from -A."

"We're talking about someone who has been torturing me and my friends for years, we're talking about someone who is capable of murder. Someone who has gotten away with murder multiple times before." I cried.

"We just need to be one step ahead of -A.

"How? Every time we think that we're one step ahead of -A it turns out that -A has been ten steps ahead of us the whole time. Hell, -A is probably watching us right now.

"And if -A is watching us right now all we can do is hope they they have a change of heart. Hope that they decide to not try to hurt our baby." Ezra explained.

"But it's my fault. Our baby is in danger because of my demons. My past. Our baby has done nothing and there is a good chance that he or she will still get hurt. and it's because of me." I wailed.

Ezra pulled me into his arms and I felt my worries fade as I was engulfed in his embrace.

"It's not your fault. None of this is your fault, Aria. Neither you or the girls know why -A hates you all so much." he tried to soothe me.

I let the tears roll down my cheeks as Ezra held me tightly in his arms, keeping me safe. Ezra stroked my long dark brown hair and kissed the top of my head. He kept on assuring me that it's not my fault and that -A won't hurt our baby. He assured me that we will be okay and I believed him.

It's A Girl - Ezria Pregnancy Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now