Fears And Emotions

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I stared at the test, watching to see if the results changed. Nothing happened. These things can be wrong sometimes. Maybe I'm not pregnant. But what if I am? I walk over to my bed and sit down and placed a hand on my belly. I sigh then call Emily. She picks up.

"Hey, Aria did you get the results yet?" She asks. 

"Uh, yeah. Can you please come over?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I'll be there soon." She answered. She sounded concerned.

"Thank you, Em." I say. My voice sounded shaky.

"It's okay." she replies. She hangs up. I walk back over to the dresser and pick up the test. I look at my phone to check the time and I have a text. I open the text.

'Silly girl, Aria. Didn't you get taught to always use protection? Well you'll need it for the future. Kisses, -A'.

I stare at the message, wide-eyed and scared. What does this mean? 'You'll need it for the future'. what does that even mean? 

My thinking was interrupted when the door bell rang. I walked downstairs with my phone and test. I throw my phone onto the couch then I answered the door. It was Emily. She looked at me once then pulled me in for a hug. 

"Are you okay?" she asked. She was worried. I can tell by the expression on her face when she pulled away. 

I walk over to the couch and sit down. Emily follows and sits down next to me. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. We both are." I say. I put my hand on my stomach and show her the test results. 

"No you're not." she exclaims. She opened her bag. "Here." she said, handing me a second pregnancy test. 

"Emily, I've already taken one." I say. 

"Yes, but they can be wrong." she states. "Just take it to make sure."

I sigh then nod.

"Okay." I go back upstairs and take a second test.

I decide not to look at the results until I get back downstairs. I go in my room to get money so I can pay Emily back. I walk back downstairs and put the test upside down on the coffee table. I sit down and give Emily the money.

"No." she refuses. "You don't need to pay me back, Aria.

I nod at her. I close my eyes and turn the test over. 

"What does it say?" I ask. "I don't want to look."

"Positive. You're pregnant." she said. She doesn't sound disappointed with me. I open my eyes and look.

"My parents are going to kill me. No they will kill Ezra and make me watch then they will kill me!" I say. 

"Aria calm down. You're scared, I understand that." she exclaimed.

"Yes I'm scared. But not because I'm pregnant!" I admitted. I showed her the text from 'A' "This is what I'm scared of! I'm scared of bringing a child into a world with so many threats and dangers." I start crying and she wrapped her arms around me then assured me that everything will be okay.

"Wait until Ezra gets back from his brothers and tell him that you're pregnant and whatever you-" Emily started to say before she was interrupted.

"You're pregnant?!" I looked up and saw Mike. I stood up.

"Mike? I thought you were at school?" I questioned him. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I breathed out. "Please don't tell mom and dad."

Emily stood up and hugged me then left. Mike walks over to me. 

"I won't." he claimed. He hugs me. "You're my sister.

"Thank you." I say. I look up at him and smile. We sit down.  

"Telling on each other is so ten years ago." he jokes. He managed to make me laugh a little. 

Mike stops smiling and looks down at the ground with tears in his eyes. I know whats wrong.

"I'm so sorry about Mona." I say. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You really loved her."

He looks at me with tears rolling down his face. He threw his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"You loved her and I judged you for that and I'm sorry. Mona did some terrible things to me and my friends and I forgave her." I start to tear up. "I forgave her but I never got the chance to tell her that. She died thinking I hated her and I regret not getting to tell her that I didn't.

Mike pulls away and looked back at the floor.

"But she died knowing that you loved her. And she loved you too Mike. Remember that." I stated, now with tears pouring from my eyes.

Mike looked at me and managed to make a smile. It was small but it was there. He walked over to the stairs. He looked back at me.  

"I think you would be an amazing mom." He added, before going up to his room. I smile.

Maybe. I doubted myself.

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