Uh oh

861 22 2

Right now me and the girls arrived to the location of the hideout we where sneaking a round we split up into groups of two me with tenny and tema with Ino I couldn't stop thinking about Sakura but I know she's fine I just have to focus of the mission

Tenny:hey look at all of theses stuff what do you think they are for

I don't know but they sure are a lot of weapons they have to be planning something

Tenny:yeah there's to many weapons I bet they're up to something

Let's go find the tema and ino to tell them what we found

Tenny:yeah ok

We told tema and ino to tell them what we found they found and get this they found even more weapons now we know they definitely are up to something we decided to keep looking around so we split up again

I have to admit I kinda am nervous being alone and all but it's fine according to the the map they rarely use this hideout I was sneaking around and found this map filled with spots marked they had the organization in the wind,earth,lightning,water, but there's one spot left here in the land of fire

Dude:hey what are you doing here

Huh? Oh me well let's see I was walking and then I found this place and I wanted to find out what it was*smile*

Dude:oh yeah you where walking with gear on that is obviously made the the organization

I stoped faking my smile

Ok you caught me what are you going to do about


He pulled out a gun and then more people came from behind they all had guns they started shooting I started running as fast as I could going through alleyways yes I know going through alleyways is dangerous people in the city could hear but I had to besides the gunshots and my feet making so much noise from running I could hear people in the city screaming as soon as I saw nobody was in the area i decided it was my chance to get out of theses alleyways but man that was a big mistake I ran into someone

I was walking in the city because Sakura told me she would text me when we could start the project but the more I walked into the city I heard screaming and gunshots I saw people running panicking from a far I went farther into the city but no one was there anymore I walked more yes I know I don't look scared but I kinda am there's gunshots going everywhere and I can't see the people in the city but I can still hear there screams it started to Rain and it was pouring while walking I could hear footsteps in a alleyway I turned to see who it was and it was Sakura?! There was people chasing her with a gun shooting at her and she was wearing gear like if she was in the military but not really


Saku:run go!

Right before I could answer she got shot in the shoulder and stomach


She grabbed me by the arm and started running with the other arm she was holding her stomach where the gun had shot her

S-Sakura what is happening

Saku:just be quite and don't make a noise

She dragged me into a alleyway and we hid behind a dumpster

Dude:where did she go she was right here

Man:let's just go back we'll tell sir what happened

Once we couldn't hear them anymore Sakura was creeping through the corner to see if the coast was clear

Ok tell me what is happening Saku-

Saku:*grunts and hold stomach* n-not now just shut up ok

She took out the bullet from her stomach

Saku:*grunts* I k-knew it those l-little fuckers

Y-you knew what

Before Sakura told me anything she took out the bullet in her shoulder and held them up so I could see them

Saku:it's not a regular bullet it has a tracker but I'm smart enough to know this those little dip shits

Ok seriously what is happening Sakura

Saku:not now I'm bleeding to much I need to get home but before that

Sakura grabbed the bullets and dropped them on the ground and stepping on them

Saku:there I'm going home

She started walking holding on to the wall of the alleyway but kept falling and limping I got up and helped her i put one of her arms around my shoulder supporting her we made it to there house Sakura Immediately locked the door and shut the curtains she sat on the couch in the living room holing her wound on her stomach

Ok Sakura you need to tell me exactly what is going on yeah sure you told me you were busy after school but all of the things that happened I need to know what just happened

Saku:fine but if I tell you you swear to god you won't tell anyone because if you do um if you do...

If I do what?

Saku:*sigh* if you do I would have to kill you


Saku:just promise ok

O-ok I w-won't


Yes I know I shouldn't tell him but I have no choice he just saw me getting chased by a group guys in my mission gear plus he saw me get shot So I had to

Sasuke:well tell me

O-ok I'm a spy I was on a mission to find some information on this group called the akasuki

Sasuke:stop lying Sakura

I'm not ok*grunts*

Sasuke:a-are you ok your wound it's still bleeding pretty bad

I need to heal my wound but if I use my powers in front oh him he'll just freak out but I have no other choice I have to use my powers

Look you don't have to believe me about the whole spy thing but what I'm about to do don't freak out ok


Ok I won't freak out


Sakura's hands strayed to glow green and her wound started to heal!?

Saku:that should be good for now

W-what did you just do

Saku:well I'm not just a spy I well have powers*nervous smile*

W-what how

Saku:honestly don't really know either but all we know is that we have powers and that's it


Saku:oh I'm yeah the rest of the girls area spys go with powers

This is weird Sakura

Saku:yeah I know but if you tell anyone about us being spy's or having powers *pulls out kunai* your dead


Saku:well that basically it since we're here let's start the project


This day just got weirder and weirder
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'll try to post as much as possible but hope ya enjoyed :-)

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