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I was currently getting medical things  together that I might need for the mission since there is probably going to be a lot of injured people some might even die

Sasuke:hn how are these plant supposed to help

I can make antidotes with them


As you know tsunade is my aunt and the head of the organization but she is also the head of the medical department so I learned a couple of things over the years considering one of my powers is healing

Sasuke:so you have other powers right?

Um yeah I do


Sasuke and I went from place to place getting plants and other things I might need honestly it was kinda nice having someone help me get things usually I would go with Ino but then it would turn into a shopping day for Ino

I'm having so much fun designing these dresses not only are they going to look fab but it's two in one a beautiful dress and a battle/mission outfit I'm so exited

Currently I am in the hideout making weapons nejj is here with me helping me

Hey pass me that



Neji:what are you making

Oh I'm right now I'm making a special kunai knife I'm adding a paper bomb to it so when I the throw it it goes kaboom

Neji:paper bomb?

Oh hmm yeah sound just like what it is it a bomb made out of paper

Neji:hmm unusual

It took me a while to perfect it but I made the perfect one

Naruto and I are in my bedroom he's watching me make the special eye contacts I invented I'm not so nervous around him as I was before actually I'm not very nervous at all I use get get flustered and stutter all the time around him but I don't do that anymore and honestly it's kinda nice i can concentrate more now but it's weird I use to be all so shy when he didn't know our secret but now it's different since I got confident and sorta saved him

Naruto:so how do the contacts work?!

Oh well when you put them on your eye it's like a computer you look at someone and all go their information comes up like if I look you it would tell me your name,age,what your interest are ect..


Hmmm well I didn't really plan on making them I was just messing around and I made them by accident I guess I was just thinking about how my powers work and with my eyes and all

Naruto:oh yeah your eyes when you used on of your powers you said "bygakugan" and then some other thing you called your power

On right my byakugan is one of my powers it allows me to see vital spots to the human body, let's me see a 360 view around me and let's me see at a inhuman long distance it's the main source to my powers


Hey babe pass me that



Shika:so what you making

Oh I'm just fixing my main weapon aka my baby


Yep my big fan it's my main weapon and fav I've had it for such a long time can't think about not having it

Shika: I see what else you making

Hmm well tenny is already making the spec papers bombs and well me I make special kunais and shrunken stuff like that

Shika:I see

Right now I'm just finishing up I'm almost done making and packing medical things we might need for the mission

Sasuke:so what you making now

Just some medicine for cuts it increases the healing if I add a drop of my blood because if I add at least a little of my dna my healing powers still work

Sasuke:why are you packing so much I don't think we need that much I mean there are going to be others there with medical experiences right?

There are but as the only one with healing powers and the one that can save multiple at a time I can't let People die...not ever again


Yeah auntie tsunade isn't the only person I learned medical training from there was this lady I knew her name was granny chiyo she taught me some things and well I went on a mission with her she got hurt I did everything I could but I couldn't save her I didn't have enough experience

Sasuke:so this time you want to save everyone in her honor showing you know more than before

Basically*sigh* although I can't really say I've gotten to the level where I would be able to save everyone I know people will die but I still want to try

Sasuke:hey if you keep saying and thinks people are going to die is that really convincing your self that you can save everyone

Heh not really I guess

Sasuke:exactly just know that there are other people with you on this your not alone


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately it's just school really suck and then there's volleyball practice and well most of the times I just shower eat do homework then go to sleep so I haven't gotten a lot of free time especially since we're getting towards the end of the head so I'm getting a lot of assignments 😭but I'll try to post as much as possible

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