Surprise shawtys

876 17 2

Me and sasuke are currently in my room doing our project although he is a little bit different than before I mean he did find out about one of my powers and that I'm a spy so I guess I don't blame him

Sasuke:so um do you have other powers

Huh? Oh um yeah

Sasuke:which ones do you have

I'll tell you some other time but I forgot to tel you your life is like in danger now since they saw you with me


Yep I don't know what to do about that so I'm waiting for the girls to come home from their mission

Right after I said that I heard the door open then close perfect timing


Sasuke:looks like they're back

Me and sasuke went downstairs to see a hurt Ino on the couch

Tenny:Ino got hurt on a missio-ahah why is sasuke here

I'll explain later let me heal her first

Hina:wait but sas-

Like I said I'll explain later

I started to heal Ino it was just a wound on her shoulder

She should be good it's not a big wound

Tema:that's good but what about you, you have a lot of blood on your mission gear

Like I said I'll explain later and later means now sooo

I explained everything that happened to the girls from getting caught to revealing our secret to sasuke

Tenny:your kidding me right tell me your kidding

Um yeah no I'm not

Hina:well what do we do about sasuke I mean they saw him and you right

Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out

Ino:I mean we could put him into the protection service

Tenny:but won't they kill him because we told him our secret

Hina:technically no that's only if we straight up tell the person but since Sakura was protecting him and keeping the mission going they won't kill him

Hmmm Hina is right that would work

Tema:then it's settled he will be put into the protection service

Hey sasuke you live with your family?

Sasuke:yea but my parents are on a world wide trip for the uchiha company and my brother itachi is on college

Ino:even better now we won't have to go through even more paper work

The girls where talking about something I didn't understand at all it like they where speaking gibberish to me but what can I do

Sakura:ok then it's settled sasuke you are going into the protection service

Neji,shika,sai: the what?


Ino:we should just eraser they're memories

Saku:Yeah but that only works if it right away

The girls had yet more people find out their secret

Tenny:great more paperwork

Ino:when will this end man

Saku:hina the printer is broken can you go to HQ to get the paperwork

Hina:sure *sigh*

Neji:Hinata I need to speak to you now


Neji:hinata I need to speak to you right now

Well shit great not he wants to speak to me

Nejj:why didn't you tell me your where a spy

Because it's against the rules unless you found out

Neji:so you should have at least told me you have powers,POWERS for crying out loud

Ok ok I get it but I really need to go get the paperwork

Neji:fine this isn't over ok

With that I started walking to HQ I still was in my mission gear all sweaty and full on blood but I need to get the paperwork once I was done with that I started to head back I walked through the alleyways so nobody would see me but just my luck I found someone I knew walking in the alleyways to

Naruto:oh hey Hina what are you doing- hey what are you wearing it full of blood are you ok

I-I'm fine

Naruto:hmm ok I was just heading to you house for the project

Oh no oh no he can't we're all there but him he's going to want to know what happened great just my luck but before I could answer it just had to get a little messy

Guy: hey your one of the ones that where in the hideout

Shit I mumbled under my breath

Naruto:w-what's going on

Uuuuh n-nothing?

Guy: aye you her boyfriend or something

Naruto:n-no please don't kill my

Guy:well either way im taking her with me

The guy grabbed my wrist but boy they had it coming I took the advantage and grabbed his other arm with my free arm and flip him over onto the ground it was just some self defense moves I learned from kurini sensi (idk how to spell her name)


Now now what did you say you were going to take me with you I don't think that's right cause last I checked your the one on the ground about to die

Naruto:Hina w-what are you going to do-

8 trigrams 64 air palm!

I knocked him out cold he won't remember anything that happened so I'm good but I still have to deal with Naruto I mean he did see me use my powers sooo I guess more paperwork great just great

Naruto:w-what t-the

Oh um I um

Naruto:what just happened

I'll explain at the house everyone else it there


I have no idea what I just witnessed it like out of a drama seance but all I know is that as soon as things got word Hina stopped stuttering she usually stutters like crazy we walked to the girls house we're everyone was

Hina:umm guys uh Naruto found out

Tenny:your kidding me right now everyone knows 

Hina explained what happened then Sakura told me a crazy thing I never expected to hear

Sakura:umm so yeah that's basically it

S-so your telling me you 5 are spy's with POWERS!

Tema:uh yeah that's what we just told you

This is crazy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~heeyyooo srry I haven't posted in a while it's just school rlly just hates me ya know fr wanna drop out 😄 I should just drop out and become a stripper and strip for chicken strips cause chicken strips are just ✨✨✨but anyways hope y'all enjoyed

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