Home sweet home

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After a full day on the road we where finally home and man was I happy we all said our goodbyes to the boys and told them we would see them at school the next day and man I did not want to go to school tomorrow but auntie would kill me so I have to go tomorrow and man we where so luck we didn't get a mission the day we got back the whole day me and the girls just relaxed and talked and it was real nice but of course Monday just had to come so school time once we all got to our class and sat down karin just had to come talk to me great

Karin:listen her miss pinky just because you got to spend thanksgiving break with sasuke Kim doesn't mean he's going to be yours I'm going to make him mine you hear me

Karin listen very carefully ok...I... don't...care...I...don't...want...him

Karin:ugh whatever I'm still going to win hmm over*walks away*

When Karin walked away sasuke came only class

Sasuke:that conversation again

Ya like did she just like not bear what k just said


Whatever I can't stop her from being a crazy obvious psycho bitch

Sasuke:ouch don't you think that was a little bit to harsh*smirks*

Really? You think i was rn harsh

Sasuke:no no you right


Kakashi:yo hello class


Kakashi:sorry I got lost-

Whole class: on the path of life

Kakashi:well yes but right now we need to be in the gym we have a school

~at the assembly~

Tsunade:hello student I'm sure your wondering why we are having a school assembly the reason why is that we are starting sports season I know we are starting late this year but lately one of the schools we work with in sports have been a lot more busy due to the fire they had but they are all ready for the sports season, the sports we will be having this year is for boys

Boys resealing team
And boys basketball team
For the girls this year we will be having
Girls resealing
Girls soccer
Girls basketball
And volleyball

We will be having the sign up sheets up in the office to be put on a team you will have to gl through tryouts the sign up sheet is only to tryout and if your good enough you'll make the team That's is back to class thankyou

~back in class~

Sasuke:so you signing up for any sports

Hmm I think volleyball I did it back home in Hawaii for my school What about you?

Sasuke:Basketball and soccer

Two sports?

Sasuke:hnI did them both last year too

Hm ok

Tenny:Sakura so are we ya know

Umm you already know

Tenny:oh heck ya *high fives*

Neji:what? What's the big deal

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