Temma,tenny,ino pov

572 21 3

As soon as Sakura left with sasuke to chase sasori me and my pineapple head boyfriend went to go chase the one that looks our age I think his name is deidera he's the one who took Julian.He's fast I'll admit it

"Damn where did he go I swear I had him" I said frustrated

"Hey do you hear that it sounds like bombs?" Shika said

"Holy shit that's right he said he was going to blow this place up he must use them as weapons to fight come on let's follow the noise" I replied

We followed the bliss one we got there there was a smoke scream from the bombs it started to clear up aster some seconds that's when I saw a mop of read hair.

"GAARA!?" yelled

"gaara" shika said confused not knowing who he was

"Hey sis" he replied in a tired voice from fighting

"What the hell what are you doing here!"

"Came to help of course" he said

"So this is one of your brothers" shika asked

"Yep,anyways gaara leave me some fun why don't you rest a little I'll take care of him" I said

"Hahaha so a girl is my opponent that hilarious" he said laughing

This irritated me so I decided why not give him my best I took out a piece of paper that had a seal on it Tennys power she gave me a little bottle of her blood according to her if I add a drop of blood to it it will summon my fan I use to support my wind power and she was right as soon as I added her blood my fan was in my hands

"What how did that get here what did you do huh!" Deidara yelled out in confusion and wonder

"Since you think that fighting a girl is so boring let me show you how wrong you are" I said giving him one of my strongest wind attacks

"Aaahhhhh!" Deidara yelled as he was getting blown into a wall

"See you later sis I'm going to help the others" gaara said I assume he's all rested up

"Yep just leave it to me see ya" I said

"Oh well lucky me I found me a girl with powers I assume your one of the people boss has been obsessed with getting I can see it now the boss with get me promoted and I'll-" he was cut off by temari using her power to stop time

"What happened?" Shika asked

"Oh I used one of my powers to freeze time but only for him so he's frozen" I said

"Oh" Shika said

I walked over to him humming someone while deciding what to do with him oh I know I can tie him up then take him somewhere where no one can find him but that won't matter either way I can on unfreeze time for him so I guess I'll just tie him up after I finished doing that something was bother me oh shit that's right he's the one who had Julian where is he!

"Damn it where is he" I said out in frustration

"Who?" Shika asked

"Julian he was this dude" I replied

"Oh him head he's u see that bolder tent type of thing he's been passed out ever since we got here" he said

"oh thank god that would have been a lot of paperwork for I didn't find him" I said picking him and making shika carry him on his back considering I have my fan

"We'll come on let's get to the rest" I said

"Oh come on that was no fun it ended to fast"I said crying anime tears to my light skinned boyfriend

"Yes but you looked very beautiful when you used controlled him using your powers" sai said


"Yes of course my love" sai said

"YAY THANKYOU" I yelled in joy

"We'll that was quick but I've got to say this dude like Interesting" I said looking towards nejj as I'm currently shoving the shark looking dude into a scroll so I can summon him later after this mission so we can ask questions about the akatsuki

"Indeed it was quick but you are good at combat with weapons might I add"

"Yep it's my specialty" I said giving him a closed eyed smile which a peace sign

Neji smirked but Tenten wouldn't have seen that considering she had her eyes closed

"Well let's get going I bet the others are done" I said

"Right" nejj said

Our battles might have been short but it takes quite the strain on us a fight can feel like hours to us when in reality it's take us only like 30 minutes it looks easy to fight but it's really not that easy at all

I know this was a short chapter but I hope you enjoyed I currently have to do a lot of chores because family members are coming over from other states for my bro's wedding next week but anyways yesterday where I live we had a tornado warning like at idk 1:00 am I definitely did not pass out from being scarred of a big lightning and may or may have been terrified but anyways hope you enjoyed 😩🤚🏼

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