The aftermath

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-Tommy and Tubbo-

Tommy sat down with his back against a tree out of breath from running. He just ran, ran away from his entire life as if it was all over. He hugged his knees as he thought about all that happened, he remembered everything moving so quickly. The screams were the worst, he could hear everybodys as if it was in slow motion and it hapened at different times. Yet in the end, he felt no different, he was only a little shaken and not much else-

Tubbo laid his hand on Tommy's shoulder as he sat down next to his friend. Tubbo was horrified but trying to keep it together for Tommy. ~I can't look scared, show no fear~ Tubbo thought as he looked up at the stars. It was a clear moonless night, great for star gazing.

"Tommy..." Tubbo said in a hushed tone.

"Yes Tubbo?" Tommy said as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Why dont we relax and just star gaze, get our minds off of everything?" Tubbo said trying to force a smile on his face.

Tommy could tell Tubbo was faking it but was trying his hardest, so tommy decided to play along, after all his friend was trying to cheer him up.

"Sure, why not" Tommy shrugged and laid down, gazing up at the stars.

Tubbo laid his head next to Tommy as they both watched the stars twinkling in the vast sky. They both knew the peace wouldn't last very long so they wanted to savor it as long as they could together. Soon after, Tommy sat up and laid Tubbo's head on his lap, knowing Tubbo was fast asleep.

"Don't worry's not over yet" Tommy closed his eyes hearing a whisper of a song he remembered... A anthem, and let sleep take him away.

-Wilbur and Ph1lza-

Wilbur was wandering the wastes of l'manburg, his old home, his once great nation... He quickly turned away as memories flooded back to him. Nikki and her bakery, Tommy and Tubbo following him around when he told them not to, him and Phil just chatting and enjoying the peace. Wilbur stopped and shook his head ~It's all over, i shouldn't be this was just a place. Everything is still normal as long as the people that made this nation great are still here~ He looked at the l'manburg tree and noticed somebody was watching him. Wilbur backed away, afraid it was Dream or worse. 

A soft chukle came from the figure as Ph1lza stepped out of the shadows.

"My son, how are you handling this?" Ph1lza said with tears in his eyes.

"Not well, but i should keep strong" Wilbur paused for a moment as a thought came to his mind "Phil, where were you when this all happened anyway? I could not see you and i was pretty worried." Wilbur said with a scared tone.

Ph1lza sighed and walked over to Wilbur, putting his wing around him. Wilbur flinched at the sudden motion but soon relaxed from the touch of a familair person.

"Son...i was trying to stop Dream, or at least trying to understand why, why he destroyed the nation and attempted to get rid of everybody in it." Ph1lza said in a low, solemn voice.

"Did you find anything out?" Wilbur asked in a worried voice as he looked up at Ph1lza.

"Kinda...I don't think that was Dream. He was talking about power, how things and people were in his way, how this nation was nothing. It all seemed like none sense but yet it wasn't. I was worried Wilbur, i tried stopping him but he-" Ph1lza stopped, unable to finish what he was going to say. Instead he took off his hat and hugged Wilbur close. Wilbur hugged Ph1lza tightly and everything seemed to go silent, at peace almost as Wilbur closed his eyes and fell asleep, just now realizing how exhuasted he really was.

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