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~Same day~

-Still in Pogtopia-

George couldn't move, he was just staring at Dream. Or should I say, fake Dream. He had a red sweatshirt on and a black mask, his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks and his jeans were dirty and ripped. Who was this? Why were they posing as Dream? There were so many questions going through George's mind that he almost didn't hear the imposter when he spoke.

"Oh, hello Gogy~" The voice sounded just like Dream's even though he could tell he was mocking George in the moment.

"Your a fake..." George growled.

"Maybe I am? Maybe I am not. But who can tell the difference?" The imposter cackled. He was right, nobody could tell he was a fake at all. Not unless he took off his disguise.

"You may be right, but I've seen you now. I can tell them. They would all beleive me."

The imposter only hummed in response. George smiled, he had cuaght him red handed and he couldn't do anything about it. This was easier than he thought.

"Well I guess you win some you lose some." George sneered as he walked towards the stairs. Only to be stopped by a blade at his throat. The imposter was so quick, George didn't even see him get up before he was right infront of him.

"Hm... And I think your going to lose this one...Gogy." The imposter shoved George to the ground, then stabbing George in the arm keeping him pinned. "You get kinda cocky. I like that about you, but you really need to know when a battle is won." Georges vision was going black, if he died then he would be on his last life. This was dangerous and would screw him if that happened.

"Well so should you, bastard." George used all his strength to kick the imposter backwards. When the imposter lost his balance, George pulled the sword out of his arm. He was to dizzy to stand so he had to fight on the ground. Which wasn't going to be easy at all.

The imposter stood up, fixing his mask that had was moved a bit to the side of his face after he had fallen over. George could see his eyes, his pericing, insane looking, bloody, red eyes. "I have no pity in killing you Gogy. None, and it's not like anybody will know youve died or that your down here!" 

"Well then I guess I just have to live." George said hoarsly, he was light headed and dizzy. Having issues seeing, he wasn't going to last, but he had to fight. "So bring it..."

"If that's what you want." The Imposter was infront of George in a heart beat. Without enough time to react, George was thrown against the cavern's wall. He used this as a advantage and leaned against the wall to steady himself, arms out in front of him holding the sword weakly.

"Your so pathetic." The imposter laughed.

"Well so are you, I can tell your using cheats..." George spat. Cheating was banned on the server and everybody knew it.

"Cheating? Oh, I'm not cheating. Becuase Entitys don't cheat. They just use the code they were given and that, that is not cheating."

George looked confused, what did he mean 'Entity' those are only if their a mob with code... Does this mean- Before he could finish his thought, the imposter lunged at him. George quickly stabbed the imposter straight through the heart, not realizing that the imposters fist had barely missed his face.

The imposter looked unphazed. He even smiled. "Oh Gogy. You can't kill something that's not real." With that the imposter struck George in the face with his fist, causing him to fall limp to the ground a bloody mess.

"This was easier than I thought... Wonder why the pathetic Dream cares about him so much?" The imposter chuckled and kicked George's limp body to the side as he walked up the stairs.


Tubbo was cutting some wood so they could make charcoal for their furnaces. They were both too lazy to go mining for coal, even though it was about mid day. Everything was still peaceful and the boys were not bothered by the lack of entertainment. Even though they missed their brother wilbur, (who they assumed was back in l'manberg trying to stop Dream) Tubbo and Tommy were content with what they had left.

That is until they heard somebody. Somebody running through the woods that sounded like they were crying. Tommy was the first to hear as he was sleeping against a tree he was meant to cut down. The scrawny Blond boy looked up as he rubbed his eyes.

"Tubbo? Do you hear that?" He yawned.

Tubbo stopped and set his axe down. "Yeah I do. What is it?"

"I don't know. I'm going to go check it out though."

"Careful Tommy..."

"Yeah yeah. I know" With that The blond boy stood up and walked into the woods. The footsteps had stopped but he could still hear crying. As he drew closer he saw a girl sitting on the ground hugging her knees. She had long, dark, brown hair with two lighter almost pale brown strands in the front. Tommy immediately reconigized her.


"OH MY GOD, NIKKI ARE YOU OK?!" Tommy dropped down on his knees next to her. He grabbed her hands feeling them shaking.

"Tommy?" Tubbo walked up behind him, now noticing Nikki. "Oh my goodness-"

Nikki just looked at the ground and was mumbling to herself. She looked traumatized and neither boy knew why.

"Let's get her inside, quickly Tommy!" Tubbo said worriedly.

Tommy nodded and picked Nikki up, knowing that if she stood then she would fall over for how bad she was shaking. Tubbo and Tommy walked in silence as they headed into their small house. Tommy set Nikki down on his bed and looked at Tubbo.

"What do we do? She seems scared to death." Tubbo said sadly.

"I don't know, but I don't think she should be alone for right now..." Tommy quickly turned to look at Nikki who was now staring straight at him.

She grabbed his hands and looked at him seriously. She was trembling still and her voice sounded ready to break. "He's gone....Wilbur *hic* is gone..." She was hiccuping now, starting to choke on her tears. Both boys felt sorry for her, knowing how close to Wilbur she was. Wilbur was Tommy and Tubbo's older brother, but he always told them that Nikki was the better sibling, even if she wasn't actually their real sibling.

"It's ok. Just breath Nikki. Just breath." Tubbo smiled a bit trying to cheer her up.

"When you say gone- do you mean left or..." Tommy seemed slightly scared by her words, knowing that Wilbur only had one life left and if he was to die. Then his fate would meet the same as Ph1lza's.

"I-I mean he's dead T-tommy... F-fundy had co-come to kill him b-but Ran-ranboo had b-been the one t-to *hic* kill h-him in the en-end..." Nikki's face was turning red as she strained herself to finish saying the last part. 

Wilbur was gone.

 He was actually gone.

"Kill me Phil!" -WilburSoot 2020


Yes i haven't updated in awhile. But that's becuase school sucks and I've been focused on my other book. I will be continuing with this one don't worry!

Also thanks for 100+ reads! YOU GUYS ARE SO POG OMG!!!)

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