The beginning of the storm

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(Just wanted to say a few things before you read this chapter.

1- Warning: some blood and violence and mild cussing this chapter.

2- The events that happen in this chapter will not line of with the actual script of the real Dream SMP. This is starting to pull away and become its own story and deaths might be different than expected.

3- This is a day after the previous chapter, this will be Ph1lza's POV most chapter. It might be a shorter chapter becuase its only with a few people in one area.

Thank you guys for 70+ readers, im so happy! I love seeing how many people enjoy this book.)

-A bunker under l'manberg-

Evertbody was nervous, each day that goes by is one day closer to a war. Phil was trying to help calm them down. Nikki and Wilbur were the only 2 people in the bunker and Phil made a promise to protect them no matter what. And that's exactly what he knew he must do today when he saw Fundy climbing down the ladder into the Bunker. Phil watched Fundy cautiously and so did Wilbur, who was standing infront of Nikki protectively. Fundy reached the bottom of the ladder and turned to face Wilbur.

"Long time no see Wilbur." Fundy said as a smile grew across his face.

"What do you want son..." Wilbur glanced at Nikki who seemed on edge.

Fundy winced a bit when Wilbur called him son. "I came to see if i could help you two." He turned his attention towards Nikki. "I've really missed you Nikki and I think you might have joined the wrong side of this...war." 

Nikki stood up a bit taller and looked serious. "Fundy, i'm sure that I chose to be on the right side of this war. Maybe you chose the wrong side and it is not to late to join us."

Fundy sighed. "Nikki...i need you to step back a bit. Don't want you in the way when I murder this bastard." He pulled out his sword and Smirked. In a second Ranboo appeared behind Fundy. He had used a invisibility potion and had been waiting. Both of them had their weapons eady and Phil knew this wasn't going to end well, he has to do something. Anything.

"STOP, ALL OF YOU." Phil said strongly and was staring at Fundy.

"Who....where?!" Fundy and Ranboo spoke as they looked around quickly.

Phil almost forgot that some people couldn't see ghosts unless they wanted to be seen and phil, didn't want to be seen just yet.

"Fundy, Ranboo. You shouldn't be here and you both know this is wrong. Killing Wilbur won't fix anything. It will only make this war worse than it is." Phil said calmly, trying to pursaude them to stop.

Fundy's ears went back and slacked his grip on his sword. "Even so, this might help stop one of the sides that betrayed the king...did you ever think about that?"

Phil went silent, he didn't have much to say and he knew it wouldn't change Fundy's mind, nor Ranboo's.

"That's what i thought..." Fundy tightened his grip on his sword and lunged it at Wilbur. Quickly, Wilbur jumped out of the way and pushed Nikki a little ways back. He pulled out his sword and blocked the next attack.

Phil couldn't bare watching them fight, but he couldn't stop the fight either. All he could do was watch, but he realized he could help Nikki at the very least. And helping Nikki is what he planned on doing. Nikki had already backed away towards the ladder but Ranboo was blocking the way out.

" don't have to do this. Please" Nikki begged.

"Sorry, but this is just how it has to go Nikki." Ranboo spoke, but he seemed worried and doubtful.

Phil quickly raced over and grabbed Nikki's hand. He pushed Ranboo out of the way and helped Nikki up the ladder. Once Nikki was up far enough, Phil climbed back down to watch the battle and could only hope that Fundy came to his senses before it was to late.

"WHAT! HOW DID YOU-" Ranboo was confused, unable to see Phil so it seemed as if Nikki was pulled by nothing.

Fundy and Wilbur quickly turned around just as Nikki became out of view, dissapearing up the ladder and into the dawn of day.

"Damn it..." Fundy wipped around and stabbed Wilbur in the shoulder pushing him back.

Wilbur fumbled and grabbed at his shoulder feeling the warm blood pouring down and sticking. Wilbur swiped his sword, cutting into Fundy's arm, then pulled back weakly.  Fundy yelped and kicked Wilbur to the ground. He held his sword to Wilbur's throat and crouched down ontop of him.

Fundy smiled. "I've been waiting to long for thi-" Wilbur quickly kicked Fundy cuasing him to lose his grip on the sword, Wilbur then grabbed the sword and flipped Fundy over so Wilbur was ontop of him with the sword hovering in-between Fundy's eyes.

"I won't hesitate if this is what it came down to..." Wilbur sounded angry, his eyes seemed to have gone insane and he was breathing heavily.

"Wilbur..." Fundy looked scared, which brought back memories to Wilbur about previous events before this war had ever started. In that moment Wilbur hesitated and gave Ranboo the moment he needed to stab Wilbur through the heart.

"NO! MY SON!" Phil yelled as he ran over to Wilbur. 

There were tears in Wilbur's eyes as he whispered in a low voice. "Keep her safe...Watch Nikki...please." And with that, Wilbur's body went limp with blooding puddling under him. Fundy crawled back a bit, completely horrified, couldn't beleive Wilbur was actually dead. Ranboo's eyes were wide and he dropped the sword, the clatter of the sword peirced through the silence and everything seemed to stop for a second.

"L-let's go Ranboo..." Fundy stuttered as he slowly stood up, he looked down at his hands which now had Wilbur's blood on them. "The Bastard is dead... we need to tell Dream."

Ranboo was still to stunned to talk, so he only nodded and slowly followed behind Fundy as he climbed up the ladder. Phil watched them leave before he looked back down at Wilbur and started crying. ~I failed to protect you my son, i will not fail to protect Nikki aswell.~ Phil thought as he stood up and wiped away his tears. He hoped that Wilbur would be there soon, to help watch over Nikki with him. Phil knew he couldn't do this on his own. Not with everything that had just happened.

"Either we get a revolution or death!" -WilburSoot 2020

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